Which Glue Is Safe?


Fish Crazy
Sep 10, 2007
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i have some slate which i want to glue together to make some caves but im unsure what glue i can use as i dont want to poisen the fish. we've seen the evostik exterior adhesive in our local focus, would that be suitable to use? if not what brands would you recommend as none of them specifically say 'safe for aqauriums'
thanx :D
You probably need something more like this:..

Although it would be good if a member could clarify if it works with slate, and not just for fixing things to glass.

once again thanx for your help squid :) i shall wait and see if anyone has experience of it with slate
Super glue, super glue gel or aquarium safe silicone will do the trick (or a combination of them all).

You can also get marine epoxy/putty from your LFS that is typically used in marine tanks to hold peices of live rock together. This even cures underwater.
so just normal superglue will be ok for the fish then? mark has a hot glue gun at home, i presume thats the type you mean rooster?
I have used hot melt without a problem for years, although you do have to ensure that the sticks are suitable - the bog standard white ones are usually just vinyl... I wouldnt use anything I cannot vouch for - read the labels, ask the manufacturers exactly what IS in their products.

Superglue is acrylic... same stuff plastic fish tanks are made from, and again, been used for years... a really safe bet, even sets under water.

Problem with asking manufacturers "is this safe for a certain application" is that in this age of litigation, they are more likely to deny compatability... I bet even the water companies would think twice if you were to ask "is your product suitable for fish ?"

The whole point of a DIY forum is to discuss, and EXPERIMENT to find "another" way to skin the cat.... otherwise you fall into the LFS trap :
>only use stuff bought from an aquarium store<

64k question is WHERE do THEY buy stock ? Thats right - DIY suppliers !
Typical example, silicon sealant - 25g for £3 at an aquarium store, 310g for £4.80 at a DIY shed....
One LFS I know buys ARGOS playsand by the pallet, then skins the customers with a 1000% markup !

Its all about buying smart, do a little research and not only can you save money, and its fun to use your brain once in a while ! :)

I would NEVER recommend a product or precedure I havent tried, thats experience... but if in ANY doubt - then dont do it.... but please dont keep trotting out this "but is it safe" argument - if you dont agree with me - then fair enough, you dont have to follow any advice on the board, but when someone asks for a different approach, I feel that thinking should be encouraged :good:

This isnt aimed at anyone in particular... just a late night rant :hey:

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