Which fish?


Fish Addict
Jun 18, 2004
Reaction score
California, U.S.A.
Well, I looked in to all of the "aggressive" fish you suggested and they all take to much time and effort as far as feeding and water parameters go. So, I've been researching other fish and I've come up with a few that look promising:


Which would you suggest and how many could I put in a 12G? Would it be possible to mix them? (Not the guppies... from what I've read, other fish tend to see their tails as a moving target. :)) BTW- The problem with the water params is not ammonia, nitrite, or nitrate... it's pH and hardness. Our tap water tends to be very alkaline and hard.
I would take the Tetras and Dannios, as to how many fish you want in your tank, stick 1 inch to to 1 gallon rule and consider adult size's because they will grow on u. Have :fun:
if i can sugesst a new fish i would go red belly pihrana i jus got them and there prettty easy to care for or is not pihrana a little less adgressive fish is a puca i love my pacu but make sure u got a big tank if u gt a pacu
In addition to what kaosaeteurn9581 said this may help:

Tetras grow between 1" - 3" depending on species
Danios grow between 1" - 4" depending on species
Rasboras grow between 1" - 3" depending on species

Another type of fish you could consider would be Barbs as they are similar sizes. All of these fish prefer to be in groups so i would recommend having a look in the 'Fish Index' at the bottom of the forum list as well as research elsewhere to get as much info as possible. The last thing you want to do is get a nice mix of fish but have problems because they're lonely :)


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