Which Fish??

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Retired Moderator ⚒️
Mar 1, 2004
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Washington D.C.
I have a 30 us gallon tank that I am going to make a community tank. It already has 2 gouramis, but I need suggestions for peaceful community fish.

Thanks in advance!!
tetras, danios, maybe a betta, catfish/corys, angel fish?
all my fish get on really good. i definatly think you should get a betta, they're lovely fish, and some clown loach because they're mad. There are so many fish....so little time.... i suppose it depends on what kind of fish you like, it is your tank after all, you're going to be spending the most time looking at it. :nod:
Bettas do not go with Gouramis. You'd almost certainly see aggression.

Danios, tetras and corys would all be great, of course. As would Rasboras. I'm also fond of the little dwarf chain loaches. While not as colorful as the clowns, they don't get nearly as large and they have tons of personality.
Harlequin Rasboras every time or for something a little more unusual try the Hengeli Rasbora
My balloon mollies are my new favorite.
Not sure I'd go with a Betta. Every betta I own (or have owned) only likes an unfiltered tank... because the water is calm/still. I have tried putting bettas in my Eclipse tank, but they look miserable because of the water flow/current.

Any of the other suggested fish would work nicely... corys, rasboras, clown loaches, tetras, livebearers, etc.
You could also add some dwarf cichlids mainly the apistogramma species or some african like kribs :D
Stock it full of cories... or maybe just get a couple :rolleyes: How about 5 of them, cos every community tank needs cories (IMO, of course :p )...

How about a school of tetras too... I have glowlights and they're really pretty :nod:
Thanks for all your replies!! I have decided to get some Harliquin Rasboras, Zebra Danios, Rummy-nosed tetras, clown loaches and some corys along with my gouramis. How many of the fish should I get? I don't want to get too many for the tank, but I also don't want to deprive the fish of friends. And, will all these fish get along okay??
Unfortunately... Harliquin Rasboras, Zebra Danios, Rummy-nosed tetras, Clown loaches and Corys are ALL schooling/shoaling fish and will be MUCH happier with several of their own kind. I'm afraid you're actually going to have to pick between them! I know how difficult that is! I'm gonig through the same exact thing myself right now!

I'd suggest:

6-10 of one of: Rasboras, Danios, Tetras
3-5 of either: Loaches, Corys

That'll get you 2 groups that utilize different parts of the tank. Everyone should be happy!

Good luck! :thumbs:

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