Which Fish?


New Member
Jun 22, 2007
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Alfreton, Derbyshire
Hi, I am currently in the process of cycling my first tank and I am starting to think about which fish I am going to have in my tank. I have been reading many books from library but they seem to contradict each other. I would love to have Tiger barbs, angels and guppies in my tank. One of the books says that tiger barbs cant be in the same tank as angels and guppies as they will nip the long fins. Another book says that they can if you keep at least 5 tiger barbs as they will quarrel with each other and not bother any other fish. Does anyone keep tiger barbs with angels or guppies and will there be any problems.
Whilst not wishing to malign my beloved tiger barbs.... I think you will be asking for trouble keeping any number of them with angels or guppies. The long flowing fins (and the fact that the fish just aren't quick enough to get away) are just too tempting for a naughty little tiger barb. I wouldn't risk it if I were you. I think tiger barbs ought to be in a shoal of at least 8 to avoid trouble. They will hopefully be too busy squabbling amongst themselves to do too much damage elsewhere - but even then, I wouldn't put temptation in front of them!

What size is your tank?
tiger barbs are very nippy, might be ok with the angel fish but defo not guppies, also most say that if kept in groups of 8 plus it helps keep aggression between the group rather than other fish
The size of my tank is 48" x 17" x 15". I'm thinking of having tiger barbs as I do like them and i'll have to give the guppies a miss. Here is what i'm thinking of having. Any advice or suggestions would be gratefully appreciated.
5 Tiger barbs
1 pair of pearl gourami
4 small angels
5 cardinal tetras
5 zebra danios
2 peppered corydoras
2 bronze corydoras
Obviously I won't put them all in at once. I will introduce them gradually.
your tank is 52.96 gal(US) 44.13 gal(imp/UK) so lets say 53 US and 45 UK, think the angels and gourami would be a problem with tiger barbs, then i think id go either cardinals or the danios and have 10 of one, then have one group of 6/7 cories

Your way:
Tiger barbs 5 x 3" = 15"
pair of pearl gourami 2 x 4" = 8"
small angels 4 x 5"-8" = 20"-32"
cardinal tetras 5 x 2" = 10"
zebra danios 5 x 2" = 10"
peppered corydoras 2 x 3" = 6"
bronze corydoras 2 x 3" = 6"

so all in all here you would have 75" or 87" depending on how big the angels grew

My way you would have:
Tiger barbs 5 x 3" = 15"
cardinal tetras/zebra danios 10 x 2" = 20"
peppered corydoras/bronze corydoras 6 x 3" = 18"

so all in all you would have 53" of adult fish
I wouldn't put angels with guppies because Angels will likely nip and torment them, especially as they get larger.
maybe you can have all the other fish in that tank and maybe get a 10 or 20 gallon tank for your tiger bards. you know, let them have a tank all to themselves
IMO; Either forget the angels or forget the barbs, doubt your pearls would be to happy being in with barbs either....
What gallonage does that work out at?
Looks like i'm going to have to forget the barbs for now. I do like them but I also like the pear gourami and angels. Thanks for the advice. Mark
your tank is 52.96 gal(US) 44.13 gal(imp/UK) so lets say 53 US and 45 UK, think the angels and gourami would be a problem with tiger barbs, then i think id go either cardinals or the danios and have 10 of one, then have one group of 6/7 cories

Your way:
Tiger barbs 5 x 3" = 15"
pair of pearl gourami 2 x 4" = 8"
small angels 4 x 5"-8" = 20"-32"
cardinal tetras 5 x 2" = 10"
zebra danios 5 x 2" = 10"
peppered corydoras 2 x 3" = 6"
bronze corydoras 2 x 3" = 6"

so all in all here you would have 75" or 87" depending on how big the angels grew

My way you would have:
Tiger barbs 5 x 3" = 15"
cardinal tetras/zebra danios 10 x 2" = 20"
peppered corydoras/bronze corydoras 6 x 3" = 18"
Oh yeah, you already said that :rolleyes:
I'd look at completely re-thinking my stocking plan, i'd assume you want a centrepiece fish;
So 10 zebra danios + 6 cories + 2 pearl gouramis
Or 10 Tetras + 6 cories + 2 angels (with a close eye on the relationship between the angels and the tetras....)
Not sure of good sized tiger barb tank mates, except algae eaters, so really this post in essence is useless.
I'd avoid the tigers myself....
Oh yeah, you already said that :rolleyes:
I'd look at completely re-thinking my stocking plan, i'd assume you want a centrepiece fish;
So 10 zebra danios + 6 cories + 2 pearl gouramis
Or 10 Tetras + 6 cories + 2 angels (with a close eye on the relationship between the angels and the tetras....)

Not sure of good sized tiger barb tank mates, except algae eaters, so really this post in essence is useless.
I'd avoid the tigers myself....

like those suggestions Germ, think they'd look great, maybe even go for a slightly bigger tetra so there isn't a problem with the angels
Cheers lil, if there was an extra change away from the cories to say a flying fox or sae, 3 more danios to make a stronger shoal and then an extra pearl could be put in so 2 females to 1 male (does that apply to pearl gourami i only really know colisa) and there you have a nice eastern themed tank.
The angel+tetra+cory is your basic South american setup.
Black widow tetras are nice but same size, or a mix could be made with hatchet fish....
:dunno: it'd look a bit more natural?
Cheers lil, if there was an extra change away from the cories to say a flying fox or sae, 3 more danios to make a stronger shoal and then an extra pearl could be put in so 2 females to 1 male (does that apply to pearl gourami i only really know colisa) and there you have a nice eastern themed tank.
The angel+tetra+cory is your basic South american setup.
Black widow tetras are nice but same size, or a mix could be made with hatchet fish....
:dunno: it'd look a bit more natural?

I have 12 barbs in with 8 gouramies and 2 guppys, not had any problems with any of them so far, cant explain why but my guppys shoal with he barbs, the barbs do nip each other occasionaly but leave all the other fish alone including my betta who in turn leaves the guppys alone!!!. I know they shouldn't all get on or even be in the same tank but they do. Maybe I just have really weird sociable fish....lol.
Yeah you can never predict your fishes behaviour;
My pleco is in love with my ammonia tester.
My flying fox is at war with my loaches.
The flying fox also occasionally shoals with my WCMM.
You can only base your expectations on the general consensus of the fish-keepers before you.
Definately no angels with barbs though, i personally wouldn't risk gourami (i like gourami too much) but it could be okay.....

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