which fish to add...


Feb 26, 2004
Reaction score
Shoreham, West sussex, UK
hi all, been a while, but i am back! and in need of your help!

Rite, well after an outbreak of infections and such likes, my 30" tank is healthy again, but fairly empty.

in the 30" tank i currently have:

6 tiny banded loches

2 Halequins

6 female guppys

2 male guppys

1 Bulldog Pleco (who is very friendly n will stay small)

im looking to have a nice full tank again, but need help to decide on who is goping to join the tank.

the only fish that i dont want joining the tank are :

neon tetras, cardinal teras, danios, or nething that will upset the fish i already have.

ideally i would like to have long living fish, as i dnt deal with death all that well.

hopefully someone will come up with some ideas ?
one thing for sure is to add about 6-8 more harlequins as they are a tight schooling fish and shoould be kept in large groups. They really do look exceptional in groups of 10 or more. HTH :)
tstenback said:
one thing for sure is to add about 6-8 more harlequins as they are a tight schooling fish and shoould be kept in large groups. They really do look exceptional in groups of 10 or more. HTH :)
lol, its funny you should say that!

cus i had 2 to start with, then wen i found out that they are schooling fish i got 4 more to make it 6. only the older 1s beat the new 1s up! or sumthing like that, as thats how i ended up with just the two. so im not keen on adding more again, just cus i cnt deal with the hassle of them dying again. it was very disheartening to have 6 then end up with just the 2.
that is truly odd behaviour for harlequins. Although there is some shaking out to figure who is the dominant fish it is usully fairly uneventful. If you wish to keep them might i suggest removing the 2 that are there now, if you can. Then add the new ones and once they are established reintroduce the 2 you removed. It may have been a territorial thing but odd none the less. By the way welcome back :)
I think some more middle fish would be nice, seeing as you only really have the harlequins there. I would suggest a shoal of small, peaceful barbs or tetras. THere are all sorts of these species which would be great with the other fish in your tank - just flick through a fish book from the library. I have five-banded barbs because they are peaceful (Don't get Tiger barbs because they will hurt the guppies) but there are loads to choose from. :D :D

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