Which Fish On Which Side?


New Member
Nov 26, 2007
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Hi all,

I am getting a new tank soon, it is a very large semi-circle tank, divided in half in the center by glass, thus creating two connected smaller tanks. Each tank/side/wedge is probably about 30 gallons.....here are the fish i am getting/have....pls tell me on which side i should put what fish...i have no idea....


*1 small albino rainbow shark (he is currently in a small community tank with 2 silver sharks, and is very peaceful/ social)
*2 small silver sharks (in the small community tank)
*1 small bristlenosed catfish (quite small, stays to herself)
*1 small java loach (very active)
*5 male guppies (chase each other round alot)
*some glass shrimp (i dont know how many, some have been eaten by other fish)


*2 black widows/ black tetras
*3/4 sumatran/ tiger barbs
*1 sucking gyrinocheilus
*1 red-tailed black shark
*2 paradise fish
*2 dwarf gouramis
*2 flame tetras

so yeah, pls help me sort this out, also, if you have any recommendations on fish, or advice on any of these fish ie. they are agressive, answer my question....thanx and merry christmas!!!! :good:
Silver Sharks NEED 75g.
Rainbow sharks 55g.
Same with Red Tails.

I'm not sure a divided tank is a good idea, a picture would be good since it'd explain much better.
bala sharks get big. over a foot long. They also need bigger groups or else they are skittish, and they are very active... I would rehome them.
rainbow sharks - aren't peaceful for long, unfortunately. If you keep it with the balas, it will probably kill them when it gets older. This is a fish that gets aggressive as it gets bigger and older.

I'm not sure what you mean by java loaches, could you post a picture? Most loaches like to be in groups of at least 4 so try to get more if you want to keep it.
guppies sound good.

tetras need to be in groups of 6, all one species. I would pick either flame tetras or black widows and have them on one side. If you pick flames, then probably about 15, they are pretty small. If you pick black widows then I'd stay at eight because they are one of the larger tetras.

sucking gyrinocheilus- Stay away from them. Also known as Chinese Algae eaters or CAE. They're cute when they're small... but as they grow, they become one of the most aggressive fish ever... and they get pretty big.

redtailed sharks are similar to the albino rainbows, but not quite as aggressive. you're better off with this.

better of to get 3 dwarf gouramis, one male and two females. I would drop the paradise fish.

Tiger barbs are better in groups of 8+ or else they will be fin nippers.

So... that leaves you with

1 bristlenose
~6 java loaches - depends on what they are?
5 guppies
glass shrimp
either 8 black widow tetras OR 15 flame tetras.
8 tiger barbs
Redtail shark
3 dwarf gouramis

And I would divide it like this:
Side 1:

Side 2:
tiger barbs
you could probably move it up to 10 tiger barbs. If you do that, you may want to only have one gourami on the other side.

I know it seems like everything is on side two, but it's based on aggression.


Silver Sharks NEED 75g.
Rainbow sharks 55g.
Same with Red Tails.

I'm not sure a divided tank is a good idea, a picture would be good since it'd explain much better.

IMO, silver sharks need more than that.
rainbows and red tails need less. 30g minimum, IMO.

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