2 Blue Tetras, 2 mickey mouse platys, 6 mollies, 14 adult guppies, and about 17 guppy fry are in this tank. who can tetras be with? frogs? nothing goes in with my endlers except snails and plants my others tanks are cycling so I cn but them in a 3 gal or a 1 gal with frogs (i can't put frogs together as my daughters refuse to share (the frogs are theirs they bought them they only will share with my fish) or should I seperate with a net breeder until the other tanks have cycled? other tanks: 57 guppy fry, 2 african dwarf frogs, 2 bettas several live plants. AND KEPT SEPERATE FROM ALL OTHERS:14 ENDLERS
tanks: 2 10 gal, 2 5 gal, one 3 gal, one 2.5 gal, one 1 gal, one 1/2 gal, 2 betta tanks and 5 betta vases. Coming soone 3 more 10 gallons, and 10 fancy guppies, 2 swordtails, 2 veiltail bettas and I am thinking about oscars.