Which Fish Can Be Kept With Guppies And Platys?

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Fish Fanatic
Apr 11, 2013
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Hi, I'm getting a bigger tank this week and was thinking of adding more fish to my 4 guppies and 4 platys. Any suggestions on what fish would go well with these? Any help would be much appreciated, thanks!
Heya, what size tank are you upgrading to? 
Im upgrading to around 165litres, i dont want big fish or anything just something different that can live happily with the others :) 
Will you be cycling your tank before adding fish or just moving cycled filters over?
Some little fish I like, neon tetras, cardinal tetras, glowlight tetras, neon green rasboras, cherry shrimp (I wrote cheery shrimp the first time!  LOL), pearl danios.
Yes i will be cycling my tank before adding fish. im not planning on buying the fish for a few weeks so im just looking for some suggestions atm :) 
i really like the sound of the neon green rasboras! they look pretty cool. and maybe some neon tetras?!
If you have male and female Platy's and guppies, then buy nothing.. Give it a month or two, and the girls will start dropping fry and they will fill it for you..... for FREE..

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