Which Filter Will Fit?


Fish Fanatic
Apr 26, 2005
Reaction score
Brighton, England
Hi Guys

At the moment I have a Juwel rio 240 with the standard filter set up. I would like to upgrade to an external filter but have problems with the installation. I have tried a Fluval 305 but the hoses are to fat to fit behind the tank. My tank is currently on a custom made unit built into an alcove but there is only about 10mm of room behind and not enough at the front of my unit to shunt it forward any more.


The other problem is that there are two small cut outs at the back of the tank at the top to accept cables hoses etc, I found with the fluval that if i try to use the custom made clips the lid doesn't shut fully. I would rather not do any chopping about or make a new lid.

Does any body have any ideas on a canister filter which will fit?
Unfortunatly, most external hoses are the same size as the fluvals! You could try eheim ecco filters or their classic range which maybe smaller, but not by much. As for the hood, its pretty much the same story, most filters have rigid pipe work to stop kinking of the hoses, and is usually bigger in diameter than the hose itslf.

Good Luck
Unfortunatly, most external hoses are the same size as the fluvals! You could try eheim ecco filters or their classic range which maybe smaller, but not by much. As for the hood, its pretty much the same story, most filters have rigid pipe work to stop kinking of the hoses, and is usually bigger in diameter than the hose itslf.

Good Luck

So do you think it'll probably be a no go on the canister then?

Any suggestions on improvements i can make to the existing system then?
I think you're stuck. I have an eheim 2026 which fits no problems in the holes of my tank.

The hoses are about 16mm (I think) but the bend in the inlet and outlet rigid plastic pipes add some more onto that, even though the plastic pipes are narrower themselves.

If you can't shift the tank an inch or two forward that may be it.

I don't have a ruler in the house but I think maybe 2 or three inches is the minimum behind the tank for this set up.

If you really need to know I can borrow a ruler and measure the real minimum required.


Eheim do several different size pipes for their filters. It is going to be very tricky to get one to fit. If you can move the tank forward slightly that will help, although you would probably need to make the holes in the hood bigger.

The other way of improving your filtration, is to add a second interal filter to your system. The interpet internal filters are very good, as they dont just rely on foams, they also have ceramic rings and carbon pads. They are reasonably priced, but not widely available still. Pop into your lfs and ask them about the sizes of hoses and different eheims available that might work for you.
Forgot to say mine's a rio 240, will definitely fit but you need the space behind.

I.ve sorted the problem of space by bumpimg the tank forward to give a little extra room and i have swapped the 305 hoses for the 205 hoses which just squeeze in behind.

Got it up and running but have a couple of questions regarding media as this is my first cannister filter.


In the bottom basket i have got carbon, in the next basket i have carbon and biomax, in the top basket i have biomax. According to the fluval manual this is the best basic set up for the media. What i was wondering is how the rest of you have your media set up?

Also regarding maintenance, how often should the filter pads/carbon/biomax be changed or cleaned?



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