Which Filter To Have In?


Fish Crazy
May 31, 2007
Reaction score
Sunny Scunny
I have a juwel vision 180 tank, and im unsure which filter to put in.

I have;
The standard Juwel Filter which comes with the tank, and i cant find out how many litres per hour it turns over.
Fluval 4 - 1000 litres per hour
Fluval 3 - 700 litres per hour

I currently have the Juwel filter and Fluval 4 running.

Obviously the standard Juwel filter is a hhhuuugggeee thing and takes up a fair amount of room in the tank, so would i be okay removing that and running the Fluval 4 and 3 together?
You can always run them together. It just depends on how much bioload is in the tank, as to how much is necessary. But, IMO, you can't over filter a tank. :)
Well i dont know how many litres and hour the Juwel one does as i cant find any specs for it (if you know please tell me :p).

And its pretty big aswell so thought maybe running the Fluval 3 and the Fluval 4 together would be a better idea than the Fluval 4 and the Juwel. I worked out that they should filter the whole tank 9.2 times and hour.

Would that be fine?
It suggests on Juwels website link here that the spare part required for the tank as concerns filter is the pump 600, meaning 600litres per hour....
So surely they wouldnt supply a filter that isnt capable of doing the job, and if its 600 litres an hour, and the Fluval 4 Plus is 700 litres an hour...then i could just run the Fluval 4 on its own?
in built jewel filters are known to be pretty poor, most people i know cut them out of the tank and use external filters :)
well i havent got the funds for an external filter at the moment (£1200 for car insurance is a bit of a blow) so i rekon i might just put the two Fluval filters in. The Juwel one is already cut out as the previous owner did this for cleaning purposes.

Cheers guys.
The standard Juwel Filter which comes with the tank, and i cant find out how many litres per hour it turns over.

that uses pump 600, so 600lph

personally i'd rip it out, flog it on ebay and put a tetratec or Eheim on there

Fluval are the devils filters and are notorious for leakages, explosions and general rubbishyness
If you are on a budget look at the tetratek range. It comes completes with ALL extras and is a very highly rated filter. I think you could use an ex700 for a 180 litre tank - cost about £60
Id also vote for ripping out the Juwel box and flogging it. Then get a nice external canister (if funds allow). My preference is Eheim, but there are cheaper options.
cheers guys. Hopefully i should have a bit of spare time in a few weeks so im going to look into some external filters, and hopefully have the money to buy one.

Cheers for all your help :)
I just got myself a Tetratec EX700 for 99 USD including shipping.

Sorry to butt in but i am looking at this filter for my aquarium and just wondered about the noise level? Would like a quiet running one as it will be in the living room.



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