Which Fertilizer?


May 24, 2005
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Western Washington
Hey all, I have started bulbs in my tanks so that I can get live plants cheap. They are all doing very well, I'm just wondering if I should fertilize and if I should, than with what? I have them in two tanks so far one is sand one is gravel. Have bought another package to start bulbs in another gravel tank. Some are "betta bulbs", the package didn't have the plant names but they look identical to the ones that I got that were labeled Aponogeton bulbs. There are a few others in there that I'm not sure what they are since I think the package was accidentally tossed. Any help would be appreciated, this is the first time I have tried live plants in my tanks.
How big is ur tank? If its small with enought fish I find liquid fertilizer works the best read info when u buy them. Like I add like once weekly to my tank with plants.
One is just a 3 gallon with a betta, the other is a ten gallon with a dwarf gourami and five neon tetras. Thanks for your help!
i use tetra liquid fertilser coumes ina bright yellow bottle and green lable. works very well for me. Sorry dont have a bottle to give you all the details need to restock
I've used both Interpret and Tetra liquid fertilizers and found them to be good products. For growing from bulb though you might be better off using fertilizer tablets in the substrate, though I have always found them messy things.
The bulbs are starting just great on their own. I just drop them in one of my older tanks and they do great. I just want to keep them going so I will check out the brands you guys have given me and see what I can find. Thanks!!!!
I've bought the same type of plants and just threw them in the water. It's been two month and haven't used any fertillizer. They look fine. I'm happy :fun: with them. I have a 10 gal. that is over stock, ( 3 mollies, 4 platies, 7 coreys). Will be moving to a new 20 Gal, once it cycles.
The plants in one tank still look great, growing and lovely green. In the other (the 10g) they are still growing but are getting a bit brownish. Not wilting, not rotting or dying just getting a bit brownish. I thought fertilizer might perk them up a bit. Otherwise they are doing quite well. I frequently have to snip the flower "vines" off of them because they grow out the top of the tank.

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