Which External Filter Should I Get?


Fish Herder
Jul 8, 2005
Reaction score
cornwall uk
hi,my jewel powerhead died this morning on my 100 gallon tank.im running a eheim pro 11 on the left side of the tank,but,as the jewel powerhead has died,i'm going to take out the jewel filter and buy another external.i have a tetratec or an aqua one external in mind.my top budget is £70.what external should i buy?????

thanks in advance mark.
hi mark
I know that you are thinking along the lines of a tetratec or auaone
but can I suggest another great filter.
Jebo 809.
I'm running one and have been very very impressed with its flow rate and efficiency.
good news is charterhouse aquatics have them on offer ATM for £59.95 (was £69.95)
however it dosn't come with media but that gives you the option of putting whatever
you want in its 5 baskets.

if you don't want to go for that then go for a tetratec ex1200 as there are plenty of places that sell them and therfore the media etc,
but I've always had a quick service and delivery by charterhouse.

hope that hasn't added too much choice for you.
If you have the space and want a cheap external with killer flow go with Aquaclear's AC500 aka AC110 >> rated to handle a large tank like yours... It's high rate will complement the Eheim nicely (which doesn't have as much flow). Alternately you can get another Eheim - maybe a 2215 (which I know is for a 70g tank) but since you're running dual filters will work out - plus you can't beat it on quality...

For something different in power filters - there's a set of instructions (on another forum) on how to modify an Emperor 400 into a real beast! All that bio-filtration with a 400gph flow rate
Any of the Tetratec externals - you get everything with them; media, pipework and spraybar. Some unbelievably cheap prices on t'internet. Try Zooplus.co.uk. Sorry, don't know how to do the link thang.
thanks wolf,that one definately fits what im looking for.i shall order it tomorrow.thanks :good:
might go with the tetratec.anyone got any + or - points with the tetratec.cheapest ive seen the ex1200 for is £69.99.could you fit a inline heater in the eheim or tetratec.sorry for sounding a goon,but i know very little of inline heaters.
i have an inline heater on both a tetra tec 1200 and an eheim 2126(its own heater has died a bit) so in short yes you can fit an inline heater on them :good:

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