Which Do You Think I Should Try


Fish Crazy
Dec 22, 2004
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Hey all, I have a couple bettas that I would like to breed, but only one breeding tank setup, if you all could help me then that would be great. Here are my first two, 1 male that is pretty large and conditioned and has also already built a bubblenest, and a female that is also large, but not conditioned. Or my next choice would be, a smaller younger male that is conditioned and has not built a bubblenest, and a female that is a little bit smaller than the male and is almost conditioned, she will be in about 2 or 3 more days if all goes well.
On top of tail types, what is their color quality? Any red/blue wash? Any pattern flaws? Which pair do you believe is healthiest and most in their prime? What are the exact ages? Which do you believe would be most valuable and desirable, judging by what your Betta club says (if you aren't a member of IBC or a local club, JOIN, they give you tons of great advice) and what sells the best at auctions, etc?

Generally, if you have high quality Halfmoon's, HM Bettas tend to be more desirable than DT's as far as I've seen. Not to say that DT's are not stunning! Tail type and size is only the tip of the iceburg, there are tons of things to consider and after all you'll be dishing out the $100's to raise the fry, so evaluate both pairs and decide based on what YOU want to produce and what YOU think will add to the species, most of all!
Very well put, splash! :nod:

Betty Splendens' site has lists of what traits are desirable/undesirable for each tail type. Very helpful and interesting. Just google her name, and you'll get her site. She covers halfmoons and double tails.
Ok I think I am going to choose the first pair. And I have another question too, is it necessary to put a styrofoam cup in the spawning tank? I want to but if I put it in there now it would totally mess up the males bubblenest.
its not essential...you dont need it if he already has a nest usually you only need the cup to encourage them to build one :)

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