Which Do You Prefer: Real Or Fake Plants

undergravel filteration is a thing of the past, i would get a proper filter.

btw. LIVE!

yeah after reading about undergravel filters i got that idea lol , its what came with the tank and didnt know any better, will start a new thread about what filter get soon , the tanks just about cycled as well :(
I prefer a low-tech planted tank; less than 3 wpg of light, no CO2. A little work but not so elaborate, best of both worlds.
personally i started out w/ all fake plants . i have however phased these out and couldnt be happier with the real plants my tank currently contains.
I think the fish don't really give a damn, and can't really tell the difference!

fake is cheaper and you don't have to worry about it dieing, BTW- There are some really good looking fake plants, they cost like 6-8 dollars each, but I can't even tell the difference if it were shown to me without the label saying plastic!

Also, if you don't have the right conditions for some live plants, you can always get them fake!

Although If I had 1 million dollars, I would get real plants, but if you don't wanna hassle, spend lots of money, and go around millions of LFS's to find the plants you want, fake plants aren't really a big step down at all.

BTW- How would the fish prefer the live ones? How would they even tell the difference? Granted some plants are sharp, the good ones are not, so they will not hurt the fish at all, C'mon, you can't really expect a fish to tell the difference between fake and real plants.
We started with fake, but now just use them in the background where I dont want to have to "prune", nearly daily like we have to do with the live plants in front.

Plastic, no maintanence, no dead stuff floating or light hogging "floaters"

Real, look MUCH better and have to help the quality of the tank
I like both depending on the situation. In my african tank i like fake so i can hide the water heater and my undergravel stuff. I also like to mix fake and real plants in my african tank so they get confused on whitch one to nibble on. I also like planted tanks to show off natures underwater greenery.
One tank that would be awesome though is a heavily planted tank with lots of Koi swordtails! And for measure, a Blue Gourami to add the color...................blue! Oh yes, how could I forget: Some Cories also! Just because Cories are great!
Nyah, live definately. :p Sure, they're harder to care for (unless you get no co2-plants, java ferns, hornwort etc) but it's worth it, it benefits the fish.
It's a natural environment! I want to make my fish feel at home as much as possible in there
I use live plants. They release oxygen into the water and it's good for the fish. They also look nicer. They aren't too much work to care for; I cut mine back once every 2 weeks. It will look much more natural with real ones. :nod:
Fake, fake and more fake.

We have fake and the plecs have never killed a single one by uprooting them :lol:

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