Which Cube

might be easier if you ask in the nano section....... i honestly dont know so i cant help you
im voting for aquapods, they need the least modding done to them out of the box and are a better qaulity then the others
i think the RSM is a rip off, for that price go with a 55 gallon tank....
the thing about the rsm is that it has a skimmer in it but its a prism skimmer.... go with the other cheaper cubes and get a sapphire skimmer if you want one. Those fit in the second chamber and i have read really good reviews on them. For half the price you could probably get a 24 gallon cube with a 150 watt MH on it.
Oceanic and JBJ make great nanocubes that are in a few more people's price range ;)
hrmm, good stuff, keep it coming. the red sea max looks nice, but for 800 bucks you can probably get a whole setup for a bigger tank already, or you can get a really nice modded 29 of the other ones. good stuff though :good:
I know the Red Sea Max Cube looks very expensive and there is the obvious fact that you can get a lager system for 800 dollars. But it is one of the best cubes out there. No wonder it is so expensive. One of my old clients has a Red Sea Max cube and it is a great system. The good thing about the system is that if you spend 950 dollars it brings its own stand.

Here are some more cubes that are also great.


Also the Aquapod nano cubes are on sale now.


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