i think the RSM is a rip off, for that price go with a 55 gallon tank....
the thing about the rsm is that it has a skimmer in it but its a prism skimmer.... go with the other cheaper cubes and get a sapphire skimmer if you want one. Those fit in the second chamber and i have read really good reviews on them. For half the price you could probably get a 24 gallon cube with a 150 watt MH on it.
hrmm, good stuff, keep it coming. the red sea max looks nice, but for 800 bucks you can probably get a whole setup for a bigger tank already, or you can get a really nice modded 29 of the other ones. good stuff though
I know the Red Sea Max Cube looks very expensive and there is the obvious fact that you can get a lager system for 800 dollars. But it is one of the best cubes out there. No wonder it is so expensive. One of my old clients has a Red Sea Max cube and it is a great system. The good thing about the system is that if you spend 950 dollars it brings its own stand.
the jbj 28 gallon hqi seems cool, 4 fans, if the fans stop working the light goes off so there wont be overheating, protein skimmer, and wave maker (ocean pulse duo), maybe try that out.'