Which Cory?


New Member
May 28, 2006
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Hi all,

I have a 20g tank, which i put my first fish in today (4 platy's). I love corys, i had a tank set up years ago and had pepperd corys and albino corys (3 of each)

this time i know i deffinately want corys, but how many should i put into the 20g tank and also how do i decide which sort of lovely corys to go for??? i could quite easliy buy them all, but i know i cant.

Help me choose!!!! :/
Hi all,

I have a 20g tank, which i put my first fish in today (4 platy's). I love corys, i had a tank set up years ago and had pepperd corys and albino corys (3 of each)

this time i know i deffinately want corys, but how many should i put into the 20g tank and also how do i decide which sort of lovely corys to go for??? i could quite easliy buy them all, but i know i cant.

Help me choose!!!! :/

Hi flemmyemmy ( i hope your names not Emma and you part with flem on a regular basis heheehehe)

First of allm, you say you have just put your first fish in the tank. What are your stats on the tank and how long has it been up and running? is it fully cycled??
Yes my name is Emma, but no i dont part with flem on a regular basis, it goes back to a nick name many years ago and it kind of stuck, now im wondering why i still use it, its not the nicest thing to have is it :/ :blush:

Anyway......yes my tank is fully cycled, its been set up for about 2 months and i check the levels of PH, Nitrite, Nitrate and Amonia every week.

Yes my name is Emma, but no i dont part with flem on a regular basis, it goes back to a nick name many years ago and it kind of stuck, now im wondering why i still use it, its not the nicest thing to have is it :/ :blush:

Anyway......yes my tank is fully cycled, its been set up for about 2 months and i check the levels of PH, Nitrite, Nitrate and Amonia every week.


hehehee its a catchy name.... kind roles off the tongue (PUN INTENDED ;) )

anywho, back to business.

Other than the plats and the corys, do you intend on putting anything else in there? Corys do best in a shoal of 6 or more and i guess its really down to what your LFS has on offer, unless you intend on buying online :)

there are many wonderful strains around at the moment, but its all down to personal preference and how much you want to spend. The cheaper end of the marker ( but by far not the least entertaining) are the Bronze, Albino and Pepper Corys also know as C.Aeneus. I know from my LFS round by me that they range from £1.60 to £1.99 each depending on size.

At the other end of the scale ( and its rare you will see these in the shops) there are the C.Weitzmani which are the "cory of the moment" which i personally can get imported for £75.00 each!! so its down to your personal preference really.

Im sure inchy will add his little bit to this as well :)
Im sure inchy will add his little bit to this as well :)

Just an FYI, Inchworm is not a he :S

I always reccomend the Bronze or Albino C. aeneus for your first cory. They are strong and hardy and not that expensive as Sp00ky has already said. They are a great cory and will probably spawn for you if the water conditions are right :good:

EDIT: Spelling
i think check what your LFS can ship in for you first, don't want to get your heart set on something only to find it's impossible to get hold of.

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