Which Cory

Dana C

Fish Crazy
Nov 7, 2005
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I have 3 albino cories which are great, I always thought they would be boring fish because when you see them in shops they don't seem to move but when you get them home they are mental. I am going to get 3 more cories tomorrow and just wanted to check which ones I should get. Do I have to get Bronze cories or can I get another type? I have a sand base and my temperature is about 77f, thanks for any help in advance.
you could get any type of cory & they would be fine. althou the bigger the group the more active they are & each species of cory tend to school with their own type althou they do also inter mix with each other
So if I was to get 3 peppered or bandit cories this would be ok? Is there any cories I should avoid as they prefer to be in a large group on there own as I read pygmy cories need larger groups as they won't swim with the others.
Sure, they'll be fine together. Sometimes my trillineatus and bronze shoal together, but not all the time. Whatever your get, itll be fine. I tihnk pygmy is like that cause they're a dwarf variety, not the regular sized cory.
Must admit i'm a fan of "Panda" cory's. They are the cutest fish i've seen in ages. Although i also have 2 "Peppers" who spawn like the devil!!!

I ended up getting 3 bronze corys in the end and they are getting on great with my albinos. I think I may be getting addicted to these fish because I am planning on going back in a couple of weeks to get 3 peppered or pandas to have a nice big group.

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