Which Cories Should I Get?


Fish Crazy
Nov 10, 2006
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What cories do you think I should get out of bronze cories, albino cories or peppered cories?

Which ones do you guys like the best and why?

I'm getting about 5-6 of them as well.
Hi Gurglar,

Any of these corys would be a fine addition to your tank.

Depending on where you live, the albinos will either be C. aeneus, like the bronze, or less likely C. paleatus, like the peppered corys. For a little variety in your tank, you can select some of the regular color and some of the albino (of the same species) and they may even breed together. Five or six of them will give you a nice sized school.

I personally prefer the C. aeneus. Over the years it's always been my "basic catfish." I was amazed when a friend of mine introduced me to the peppered corys and that was what got me started learning more about them and collecting various species. They are active and outgoing, which is one of the best things about keeping corys, IMHO.

Please let us know what you eventually get. :D
Corys are fantastic little things, I've always walked past them in the LFS and didn't realise how useful they are until a friend donated me a single bronze one, he is great and I went and got 2 peppered corys. DIdn't see them for about a month then one day spotted a teeny tiny lil peppered, they had had a baby I was so excited!!!! :wub:

They keep the sand looking brand new and my original cory comes out about 8.30 every night and shoals with my rainbowfish and plays in the powerhead current, he is a star :good:
For which tank?

I think if they're for either of your smaller tanks they might all be too big. Maybe some dwarf cories at a push, but even then it'd have to be a small group. And they wont go in with mbuna so the big tank's ruled out.

But if you are dead set on getting them - the peppered will get the biggest, so I'd go for either the albinos or bronze. But TBH, they'd need a bigger tank anyway.
For which tank?

I think if they're for either of your smaller tanks they might all be too big. Maybe some dwarf cories at a push, but even then it'd have to be a small group. And they wont go in with mbuna so the big tank's ruled out.

But if you are dead set on getting them - the peppered will get the biggest, so I'd go for either the albinos or bronze. But TBH, they'd need a bigger tank anyway.

No they won't be kept with my mbuna its getting givin away and im gonna finally get my original plan happening for my 35 gallon.
Well personally I'd go for the albinos as out of the three, they're the ones I think are prettiest and most active (although bronze are as active as they're the same species - just different colour lol).

You could always go one further and see what other species interest you - and order some in? Sterbais are beautiful and hardy, and my metaes are very active (all be it at the back of the tank!).

Have a look on here - it's been my fave site for ages, great for a cory fix (and there's a few folks on here *ahem* CorysRusUK for instance if you're in the UK - who sell cories):
Well personally I'd go for the albinos as out of the three, they're the ones I think are prettiest and most active (although bronze are as active as they're the same species - just different colour lol).

You could always go one further and see what other species interest you - and order some in? Sterbais are beautiful and hardy, and my metaes are very active (all be it at the back of the tank!).

Have a look on here - it's been my fave site for ages, great for a cory fix (and there's a few folks on here *ahem* CorysRusUK for instance if you're in the UK - who sell cories):

Yeah I think I might go with the albino's because they will stand out more on my gravel.

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