Which Co2 Method For 60Litre?


Fish Addict
Feb 16, 2011
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Hi there

What CO2 method would be best for a 60litre shrimp tank?

Ive been looking into the pressurized CO2 from fluval (20g cartridge one), would this be effective?
Nope, you want something bigger, use a fire extinguisher and reg, make sure it's an EU fire extinguisher and the reg has a 22mm thread and it will last ages. That's what I use on mine.
Nope, you want something bigger, use a fire extinguisher and reg, make sure it's an EU fire extinguisher and the reg has a 22mm thread and it will last ages. That's what I use on mine.

Thanks mate, about to invest in an FE Setup for my 75G so wont be using it on the 25g anytime soon. What about flourish Excel? I know it couldn't compete with FE but would it still produce results when dosed with ferts?
Nope, you want something bigger, use a fire extinguisher and reg, make sure it's an EU fire extinguisher and the reg has a 22mm thread and it will last ages. That's what I use on mine.

Thanks mate, about to invest in an FE Setup for my 75G so wont be using it on the 25g anytime soon. What about flourish Excel? I know it couldn't compete with FE but would it still produce results when dosed with ferts?

I use easycarbo in my 60L (there's a journal), seems to work fine.only dose 2ml a day, so a bottle lasts ages.
depends on your light really...if theres a massive amount of light Excel/carbo won't really cut it. If the light is reasonable then the carbos will be fine. Just remember that you will need to increase you ferts (N and P) to keep up with the increase in growth.
depends on your light really...if theres a massive amount of light Excel/carbo won't really cut it. If the light is reasonable then the carbos will be fine. Just remember that you will need to increase you ferts (N and P) to keep up with the increase in growth.

Hi ianho

Tank is as follows:

Tank Size : 2' long
Tank Capacity : 60 litre (Id hazard a guess at 57l when filled including substrate, hardscape etc)
Lighting : 1 x 15w T8 (10000k power glo)
Ferts : TPN+ (DIY All in one solution made from dry ferts)

Would this set up benefit from flourish or would i be better with the fluval 20g pressurised kit? on offer at the moment for £19.99 near me
i run twice as much light as that over 60L(ish) with carbon.
Never used those small kits, but get the impression the cannisters don't last long
So am i best with the Flourish excel and doubling my light to 2 x 15w T8 (one at 6500k and one at 10000k?
What do you want from this tank, is the question?
How much/little work can/will you do on it?
At the mo, it has the potential to be a low hassle, low tec tank.just slow growth.
or you could add more light & pressurised, loads of growth, but more work?
What do you want from this tank, is the question?
How much/little work can/will you do on it?
At the mo, it has the potential to be a low hassle, low tec tank.just slow growth.
or you could add more light & pressurised, loads of growth, but more work?

I'm trialling a car windscreen wash bottle with 2 cups of fine brown sugar, add 2 litres of boiling water to dissolve the sugar. Activate some baking yeast in warm water in a bowl with some sugar, mix and leave 15mins. pour the yeast into the bottle when slightly warm but not hot. attach a tube with a check valve and air-stone diffuser job done, seems to be giving it a steady stream of co2.

I also had a 15w T8 Plant tube 18" over my tank and replaced it with two 24watt 438mm length T5 tubes and have oxygen pouring off my amazon and other plants now 24hrs later.

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