Which Birchirs...


Fish Addict
Jun 25, 2004
Reaction score
Maine, USA
Okay, I'm getting my 55 soon and this is what I'm putting in it so far: A Delhezi Birchir, a Ropefish from my 30 gallon, and a Senegal Birchir. I was thinking though, is there another species of Birchir that I could add? I'm just curious. Could anyone point any Birchirs besides the ones I listed above on THIS site? Thanks.
in a 55 u probably wouldnt want another type of birchir they would get aggressive wen they got bigger, but if u wanna try it out, may b and ornate birchir :hey:
An ornate will grow a little large for a 55g (2 feet long and as thick as your wrist), but it will take a while before he gets that size.

Try a species of P. palmas.
A P. palmas polli, P. palmas palmas, P. palmas buettikoferi.
A P. retropinnis (either retropinnis retropinnis or retropinnis lowei) stay smaller as well. They stay relatively small (~1 foot)
Okay here's my plan:

I'm going to cycle my new tank when I get it by fishless cycling.

I'll then get it all set up for the Birchirs and my Ropefish. (finishing touches)

I will then put in my Ropefish and make sure it's okay for more fish.

I'll order my Senegal and Delhezi to start off the Brichirs.

I might add the Palmas after I get some more money.

Thanks for the help everyone! :D

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