Which Algae Eater

what are your water parameters.? ottos are good but need PERFECT water and a mature tank. how long has the tank been going? you could have amano shrimp, they eat algae, or cherries will pick at is but not as well imo. nerite snails are good i have heard and you wont get loads of babies.
I let my dad do the parameters haha but i asked him and he said there good :)

i already have to amano shrimp :)

i have been researhing oto's they are very cool just didnt know if my tank was suitable
If your getting one because your tank is dirty then this is the best one you can get. :lol:


Seriously though. No algae eater will get your tank completely clean.
its true, you should address the reason why you have algae in the first place not buy stuff to eat it. you need to know your own parameters not your dad.
its true, you should address the reason why you have algae in the first place not buy stuff to eat it. you need to know your own parameters not your dad.

agreed, some may consider that to be fine, but others may think it is terrible! Better to have more than one opinion.
Whats the point me byeing boring little sponges when i can go out and bye amazing little fish tht will happily munch on the algae all day long?

i dont have an algae problem i just have enough to feed some hungry little mouths
well something is wrong otherwise you would NOT have algae, so either you address the problem or the algae will take over.
The problem probably is i have the light mostly all day, but really there isnt an algae problem just thought it would be nice to get sumit tht will munch on it

anything wrong with that
what size tank is it and whats the stocking.???????

well tbh mate if you are going to get aggressive whats the point you being on this forum and whats the point us giving up our time to help you when you are just not going to listen. the light should be on no more than 10 hours a day, 8 is ideal. try not to overfeed. the easiest way to get rid of algae is to do a B/O for 2 or 3 days.
Whats the point me byeing boring little sponges when i can go out and bye amazing little fish tht will happily munch on the algae all day long?

i dont have an algae problem i just have enough to feed some hungry little mouths
The problem with this theory is that different fish eat diffrent types of algae. If it's only the green spot type that is on the tank walls, then you need the sucker mouth type such as otos or small, dwarf plecos. If it's hair algae or something along those lines, you need a different type fish. And if it's the dreaded blue-green algae, there isn't any fish that will eat it. SO the key is determining what type algae you hve before you go looking for an AE.

Having said all that, I totally agree that it is best to solve the problem so that you don't have algae rather than justgetting something to eat it.

The problem probably is i have the light mostly all day
Blue-green algae is the one algae that is really spurred by excess light and as mentioned, no AE will eat it.

Last but not least, stay away from chinese algae eaters. They eat very little algae and getextremely aggressive as they get larger and older. IMO, they are really not suitable for a community tank.
im not being agressive

all i asked was what sort of algae eater would suit my 54 litre tank.

i just noticed algae on the rear glass and thought it would be nice to get a few otos or sumthing

but i wont be getting anything until ive re-homed my 2 angel fish, and i do know my tank is way to small for them thats why im try to re-home them but they were babies when i got them :)

thanks for ur help people anyway
well you havent said what you stocking is in this 54L tank, this will enable us to tell you what you could get.

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