Wheres My Kids?


Fish Crazy
Dec 11, 2012
Reaction score
West Devon
Not mine, one of my Bee shrimps.
When it comes to shrimp by knowledge is limited. I have 2 bee shrimp, 2 blue shrimp and 3 cherry shrimp ( I think, one is a lot larger and redder than the others, the other 2 have gone pale due to the light substrate in the tank.) I keep them in a 40 ltr tank with 2 wcm minnows and a ottocinculus.
One female bee was carrying eggs around for a while and now she is not so I guess she had babies, I dont know where they are. There is lots of cover in the tank so are probably hiding. I am carefull during the weekly water change not to suck them out of any hidey holes. So when can I expect to see them? One of the blue shrimp is carrying eggs too, so is there anything I need to know to care for these little critters?
I feed them crushed algae pellets and any leftover food from the 3 fish.
There is every chance that the shrimplets are hiding in plants in the tank, but I would not trust the WCM's with shrimp of any size. I have watched WCM's at my local pet shop have a go at and eat cherry shrimp that where almost full grown. Otocinclus on the other hand are going to be fine with shrimp.
Just be careful of the water temp. Bee shrimp generally like cooler water than what cherry shrimp like and can handle and otocinclus actually like quite warm water. As long as your water is staying in around the 22-24 degree cel mark everyone should be happy.
You might not see the babies for a good while.  They are TINY!!   I had cherries breeding in a tank with albino cory juvies and scarlet badis and never seen the babies until they were much bigger because they hid from the "predators".  When I moved everything out of the tank but the shrimp, I suddenly seen the tiny shrimpets all over the tank.  They are a little bigger than a knat/fruitfly when that small.
Tank is 24 so its a sort of happy medium. I think the answer is patience and dont hoover up the anubias during water changes.

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