Where To Start


New Member
Dec 28, 2012
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Hello all!
Got my 30 litre back in December for christmas, and it's all been going well and dandy except for my plants. At first I stuck in a few things I bought off eBay. They did well for a bit, then all began dying off one by one. So I went to the LFS and bought a few long strandy things from there. They were even worse. So basically, now i'm stuck.
I have looked at some of those Co2 threads, but it all seems incredibly complicated and confusing, and I was hoping I could just get some simple green things growing in there. 
 Part of the problem could also be down to my substrate. At the minute it's a rather large gravel, which I know isn't ideal for growing plants in, but I'd be willing to change it if I had to. (I'd rather not though :p)
I have a Dwarf Puffer in there and they like a very heavily planted tank I read, so I kinda feel bad watching him go up and down the glass all day. 
 All I want is some nice tall, low maintenance plants. Any suggestions? :)
Its kept at about 27C, and has a quite a bright light. Not sure on the exact specs, but if it's really needed I can hunt out the box.
Could you add some bogwood with Anubias or java fern attached?

How big is your gravel substrate?

Can you uplad some pics?
Java fern - tall and should not be planted in the substrate - tie them on to rocks, wood, etc.
Anubias - same as above, but less "tall".
Elodea (anacharis) - can be floated or left in the substrate.
crypts theres a few tall ones there easy to grow, stick a root tab under them
amazon swords 
vaills is good if it likes your water, some do some dont
you could also try some moss's theres a lot out there 
also theres bulb plants which grow tall, tiger lotus's among others  like Barclaya longifolia and Aponogeton's 
theres also stems  Heteranthera zosterifolia, Hygrophila angustifolia, cabomba, limnophila aromatica are all easy to grow 
you could also have a capret of Glossostigma elatinoides  it might go leggy depending on your light
and riccia, duck weed, and amazon frog bit  for floating plants
not all plants need co2, some do like HC but others dont as for gravel it can be fine to grow in, although sand is nicer, in my opinion 
elodea's more of a cold water plant 
Shelster said:
Could you add some bogwood with Anubias or java fern attached?

How big is your gravel substrate?

Can you uplad some pics?
Here it is:

They're about a 1 1/2 cm each? Roughly? All that green stuff is my attempts at plants so far :p
As much as i'd love to get some driftwood in there, I dont quite have the space atm. But I plan on getting a bigger tank in the future, although it is a long term plan

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