Where To Start


Fish Fanatic
Jul 1, 2009
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ok so i have had a valentini puffer and an electric blue hermit together for 2 weeks they are doing just fine. i will show you why i told you that in a sec. My ebili angel got nipped by my puffer once and never again by him and now i think he has fin rot because his fins are ripped and torn looking. probably because of the fouler water since i am still learning to feed them correctly with mysis. i have been using melafix for about 4 days and his fins are not getting worse or better. and he seems to be flicking again the rocks and twitching a little. The angel occasionally swims up to the hermit and just floats there like he wants to be cleaned like a cleaner shrimp would so if i got a cleaner shrimp do you think that would cure the angels twitching and clean him of parasites and what not? I think the puffer would leave the shrimp alone cause he is still small and and never touches the hermit. thanks
Hmmm. Are their any visible parasites on the angel?

As far as I am aware the puffer will pose a threat to the shrimp and most likely eat it if it can manage it. Im guessing crabs are a little harder to get at than a shrimp for a puffer.

If I were you, I would see what the angel had and then try to treat with meds from there. But as I understand they don't do well with copper so depends what it has.
I can not see any visible parasites but his actions suggest this to me i will try to get a pic

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