ok my tank i have is way way over stocked and im getting another a tank tomorrow but i don't know were to put it , the only place is in my bedroom or hall way , has anyone else got there tanks in either of these places thanks
hi angel03...welcome to the world of fishes.. hallway or bedroom ? I think i would go for the bedroom , reason being sometimes a lot of people passing through the hallway ,also open doors [maybe a lot of draught]fishes may like a more quieter environment. Just going by my hallway ,always someone or something passing through ... pebbles
I agree with Pebbles. Just for humor... it also depends on how you would react to fish admiring your "social" life in the bedroom (if you know what i mean ).
Thanks everyone for the advice , think i will put it in the bedroom , but if i did put it in the hall way i would put the fish in it that are used to people , most of my fish are very used to me and my kiddies around them its just the tetras the barb and the sissor fish that are a little timid . thanks again
Mine are Both in my kitchen Its a great place for them as its close to water and drains etc. But bear in mind both my tanks are little boys But I'm getting a new 5 gal for my bedroom