Where To Move My Albino Tiger


Fish Fanatic
Apr 30, 2006
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USA, Michigan
My albino tigerbarb needs to be moved to another tank because i got a betta now. Does anyone think if i put him in my molly fry tank all of them would be ok? My fry are fairly good size about 3/4 inch long or so.
The mollies might get attacked but at that size should be ok. However, you should have salt in the molly tank (because of this: http://www.fishforums.net/index.php?showtopic=137887) and since the barb will not like the salt, it would not be a good idea.

Also, has anyone ever mentioned to you that the barbs has to be kept in groups since they like to school (also since lone barbs'll chase other fish if they don't have other barbs to act as targets)? If not, this'll be the first time, and I suggest you try finding someone to take the fish or to get more barbs and not get a betta, depending on what you think would be best.
hi as said tiger barbs need to be in a group of at least 6 to be happy they are very active social fish not loners. i know when we put a molly juvenile of about 1 inch long in our main tank ( she was still quite narrow accrossways then) there was a few scary moments when our barbs noticed her & took a second look as in 'hmmm could i fit that in my mouth??? but she was ok & never got attacked, i dont know if id risk fry that size in the same tank as a bored single tiger barb might be too tempting to resist! esp if theres not many hiding places for them. could you not buy a simple small tank for your betta? ( & get your barb some buddies)

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