Where To Get Mature Media?


Fish Fanatic
Apr 22, 2012
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I'm having some problems with my 5 gallon tank that turned out not fully cycled, even though there was an ammonia and nitrite spike and then no amm. or nitri. for a few weeks. I was wondering where to get mature media. My LFS is not the best and I usually order items online. They would probably charge me an arm and a leg for anything, as usual. Is there some place online where I can purchase or accept a donation of mature media?
You could look on the media donation thread and see if there's anyone there who might be able to donate. Any friends or family with tanks or who know people with tanks?
For mature media, try the pinned post in the new tank section. We carry a listing there of people willing to trade mature media for uncycled media, including me. It is something we can all do for new fish keepers. With 26 tanks running, I never have a problem finding mature media. It is as close as the next tank.

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