Where to buy small tanks online?


Apr 1, 2004
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Cheltenham (UK)
Looking for a tank to make into a betta tank as they look so cute :wub:

Can't seem to find any tanks small enough, and i don't think my lfs has any that small. Haven't looked in Petathome yet...

I'm in England btw.

yeh but that wouldnt fit on my fish shelf! i want a small betta tank thats a maximum of 35cm wide by 25cm deep by 40cm tall.


Try your Poundland or if you have a 99p store.

99p Store do a Very Large Food Container that is 3Ltrs and I use it to house the Giant Betta and his Females. I use a Halogen Desk Lamp for Lighting and Heating.

They are fine in it and you can add a Small Sponge filter to it, if you want.

god cheese specialist stop being so bloody negative all the time.

I have read in lots and lots of places that betta's only require 2 - 3 litres to exist perfectly happily.

And not everyone has the funds or the space to keep going out and buying massive tanks.

I am asking the questions before i purchase so don't give me that animal cruelty BS when im just asking some questions!!!

Ben :(
Bunji I think you should go for a bigger tank than 2-3 litres. You'd norice a massive difference in the fishes activity and mannerisms when placed in a bigger tank. It'll live in a 3 litre tank but it'll probably just float there and do nothing. My Bettas are extremely active and use the whole tank space so its up to you but you wouldn't put a dog in a closet would you ?
bunjiweb said:
I have read in lots and lots of places that betta's only require 2 - 3 litres to exist perfectly happily.
I think keeping bettas in jars that small is ridiculous. One shouldn't believe everything one hears or reads.

DrOizo makes good points, would be a good idea to pay attention to them.
no course i wouldnt, but why do i see so many small betta tanks like mikes that are very small?

I will go for the biggest i can fit, which could be a 5 gallon if i find the right size.

Just gimme a chance guys, im researching lots first, i HAVENT rushed into anything so don't ***** at me for it, just guide me.

And i don't appreciate the Spongebob tank comments either, i'm not a little kid.

bunjiweb said:
god cheese specialist stop being so bloody negative all the time.

I have read in lots and lots of places that betta's only require 2 - 3 litres to exist perfectly happily.

And not everyone has the funds or the space to keep going out and buying massive tanks.

I am asking the questions before i purchase so don't give me that animal cruelty BS when im just asking some questions!!!

Ben :(
Well, I wasn't talking bull.

You weren't asking questions other than where to buy a tank as small as 1 litre. If a betta vase of 2.5 litres is no good (see thread in this forum) why should a 'tank' of that or smaller be any better?

A more reasonable sized tank would not cost much more and would be better for the fish. That is what ,atters isn't it? I have seen fairly small tanks large enough for a betta and a couple of cores, a heater and a filter for about £15.

The sponge bob tank is just the same as what you want, it's no worse. Just geared towards children.

Sorry if you feel that I am getting at yu but I'd rather that than not say anything and for people to go on thinking it is ok.
i was researching though, i didnt need people replying telling me im cruel or whatever, and yes it did feel as if u were getting at me.

But anyway, just remember i did come to ask questions first, i havent rushed into anything and obviously the opinion is to get something a little larger, i just dont need talking down to just because i've possibly maybe suggested something that might possibly be potentially cruel.

Anyway, sorry.... lets forget it.


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