Where The Flummin Bloomin Heck Is He?


Fish Fanatic
Nov 7, 2007
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A few weeks ago I got a yikkle baby bristlenose and gently plopped him in my tank ... now he seemed to be getting on just fine for ages skimming up and down the galsss and all over the wood and rocks and tucking into his pellets ... but now I haven't seen him for three or four days and I'm a little bit worried about the little fella.

I was wondering if theres any sure fire ways to bring him out in to the open like anything I could put in the tank/on the glass to lure him back out to make sure he's still there?


Try a slice of cucumber weighted down at the front of the tank a but before lights out.

It's not unusual for BNs to go missing for a while so don't worry too much.
I've had three bristlenoses from being real tiddlers and they've all vanished at times for a few days. He/she is probably fine and may just be about when you're not but, I know, it does get worrying! Try courgette if the cucumber doesn't work and have a good look when the lights are off.
i've had a BN for about 3yrs and i hardly ever see him!! he lives in his cave, prob comes out at night and is basically a hermit!! or maybe agrophobic!! i have never, ever seen him eat though i assume he does cos he's still alive (i think!! lol) but hey anyway he's still really cute!!! :wub:
what else is in tank with him and how big was he??

This is one thing thats worrying me he's in there with a rtbs and and the bn is only about 1 1/2 inches :S

The RTBS is about 2 and a half but he's a fat bugger and I'm worried for in case he's munched him :(
Try blood worm pellets, mine find them irresistable, although I have found my females MUCH more outgoing and visible, my males hide a lot more.
what else is in tank with him and how big was he??

This is one thing thats worrying me he's in there with a rtbs and and the bn is only about 1 1/2 inches :S

The RTBS is about 2 and a half but he's a fat bugger and I'm worried for in case he's munched him :(

you could possibly of just found your answer?? :crazy:
I've never know RTBS to eat other fish even when they're about 6 inches long and plecs hardly look the most appetising..... take all the decor out and give tank a spring clean and check for him at the same time. I often have to do that when a fire eel goes missing and I dfind him at the botton of the filter!

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