where is the strangest place you put an aquarium???

Magnum Man

Supporting Member
Tank of the Month 🏆
Fish of the Month 🌟
Jun 21, 2023
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Southern MN
I'll admit, some of mine... are in unusual locations... I have 4 larger tanks that wrap around my bed... I have 2, in an unheated, but insulated entry way, partially used to heat that entryway during the winter, but my most unusual placed tank, is in my shower... I had a whirlpool bath, shower combo, 30 years ago, and I built a 55 gallon into the surrounding wall... the whirlpool part quit working over the years, and I removed all the "jets", so now it's a large 2 person soaking tub, shower combo... maybe not my best idea, with the splashing water of the shower, but I keep a misting bottle of vinegar, and a squeegee in the area, to clean the glass... the 250 gallon, next to set up, is going on a custom metal stand over the top of the cabinet of a Murphy bed, so it'll be 4 feet off the floor, and when the bed is out, it'll be at the foot of the bed for viewing, and when the bed is folded up, it will be at eye level... having a large tank like that at eye level, should be pretty impressive... so, what unusual places have you placed an aquarium???
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Mine have been in standard spots... but I once visited a long widowed older man who lived alone in a 2 story cottage. On every step on the long staircase to the bedrooms, he had a 5 gallon nano-tank for his killifish. The air system for the filters ran down the base of the railing. I have no idea what the rooms upstairs looked like, but there were tanks scattered all over the rooms downstairs.

I made a mental note that no matter how much I got into this, I would never go there.
when I was a bachelor, I had a couple closets, that I stacked 10 gallon tanks, just behind the doors, so I could open the door to view, or close the door, and they disappeared... they were all species tanks of various predator fish... mostly various species of piranha, but lots of unusual... including a 10 inch electric catfish...
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when I as a bachelor, I had a couple closets, that I stacked 10 gallon tanks, just behind the doors, so I could open the door to view, or close the door, and they disappeared... they were all species tanks of various predator fish...
Umm, Magnum, how is it you aren't still a bachelor with that?
apparently I have other attributes that Mrs. fell in love with, and I was swayed by a big chested red head...
actually the smaller tanks were so much maintenance, so as I began to make more money, the tank sizes increased, affording me more time to spend with her... that's been a long time ago, now...
I am not married. So, at my peak I had 8 tanks in my bedroom and 2 in my bathroom. I think I would have needed to be married to a mermaid for a wife to allow that. As I am downsizing, I now have only 3 still in the bedroom. The plan is to have 1 in the bathroom and 2 in the bedroom. I will admit one of the bedroom tanks is built in (it used to be 2). I gutted one of two closets to set this up.
A long time ago, I tried to build a tank into an old TV set cabinet. My plan was to wire the lights into the TV's rotary power switch, and maybe hook up some sort of automatic feeder to the channel changer. I made progress, but was eventually defeated by lack of money and lack of know-how (this was before the internet was a thing for normal people).

I would try again, now that I actually know how to make it work, but would anybody even recognize an old, cabinet-style TV anymore? I'm afraid the joke would be lost on most.

Other than that, my tanks are in fairly standard locations. I do occasionally set up a temporary observation tank on the work bench in the garage. But Mrs. Badger has instituted a one-tank-per-room rule on me and the Badgerling, and that does not include bathrooms and kitchens. So that keeps me from getting too creative.
I had the same thought ( tank in a TV ) but you obviously gave it more thought, with wanting to use the knobs... I had a big TV cabinet, I held on to for years, for the project.. I just never got the time to complete it... a 29 gallon bow front might simulate a TV screen nicely???
For me it's my bedroom.

There's nothing but a bed and an alarm clock in there, I would see the tank 5 minutes in the morning then 5 minutes before going to sleep.

Even if it's the place I could put the largest tank in the house, I wouldn't because of that.

The most stupid thing I done ( it was a trend for a while ) is make a betta aquarium out of a Macintosh classic II, It was cool but a complete Pain to maintain.
I can only offer this and the pics below are not mine nor are the tanks.


I knew a gent who turned a coffee pot into a Betta tank.

edited multiple times for typos
I'll admit, some of mine... are in unusual locations... I have 4 larger tanks that wrap around my bed... I have 2, in an unheated, but insulated entry way, partially used to heat that entryway during the winter, but my most unusual placed tank, is in my shower... I had a whirlpool bath, shower combo, 30 years ago, and I built a 55 gallon into the surrounding wall... the whirlpool part quit working over the years, and I removed all the "jets", so now it's a large 2 person soaking tub, shower combo... maybe not my best idea, with the splashing water of the shower, but I keep a misting bottle of vinegar, and a squeegee in the area, to clean the glass... the 250 gallon, next to set up, is going on a custom metal stand over the top of the cabinet of a Murphy bed, so it'll be 4 feet off the floor, and when the bed is out, it'll be at the foot of the bed for viewing, and when the bed is folded up, it will be at eye level... having a large tank like that at eye level, should be pretty impressive... so, what unusual places have you placed an aquarium???
Photos of your shower tank please!

I tried a set up in a garden room (conservatory but with a ceiling). The temperature and algae were uncontrollable, obviously.

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