Where In Toledo Oh Can You Get Live Plants?

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Apr 11, 2013
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I would like to get some Java Fern, Vals, Swords, and maybe a few other easy plants.  My parents wanted to take me into Toledo to get me some nice ones, but we have no clue where to go.  I know Petsmart has some plants, but are they good quality?  Where would you recommend I get my plants?
Nah, not PetSmart. Mostly they sell bog plants, not true aquatics, that will do only moderately well under water. The Amazon Sword is one exception, but it will grow huge and usually needs strong light to thrive.
You can try any small fish store you can find or, failing that, there is at least one reputable seller on eBay. aquaticmagic's plants are very good and the shipping is usually free. They come from Malaysia. I have bought from that seller before, with excellent results.
Hope this helps! :D
As has been said, online is a great option. Much wider range of plants to choose from, and usually good prices too.
Have you tried googling for shops in your area? It took me a while to find our current LFS, I don't think we would have ever known it was there without doing that.
I'm not sure if places like petsmart will order in plants for you or not but it wouldn't hurt to ask!
As for swords I'm not sure if they require high lighting, I heard they are quite hardy but do well with root tabs. I don't really know much about plants though. :p
PetSmart should order in plants, if it's anything like +Kota over here in Mexico, but they will be very expensive.
Online is usually best. The plants are usually better quality and pest-free, IME. Plus they are loads cheaper. You can usually get 3-4 plants for $3-$5
I get all mine from www.aquairumplants.com. The shipping kinda makes it a bit pricey so I recommend getting all the plants you need in one order. All my plants from them have arrived in excellent condition and in generous quantities. Beyond that, you can always try out craigslist to see if any other hobbyists have plants they're willing to sell.
Thanks for all your advice, it's greatly appreciated!  :) 

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