Hey all. I have been keeping fish for a few years now but this is the first time I have cycled the tank myself. I have a 66g (or 79 US gallons) andhave had it set up for 2 days now. I put in all the water from my previous tank, all the gravel, ornaments etc and squeezed out the filter media from the old tank. There are about 20 tetras, 3 gouramis and a ram in there (I know they are sensitive but I have no choice) and put quite a lot of cycle in there.
I did an ammonia and nitrite test after I added the fish and it was .25 ppm ammonia and .25 ppm nitrite. I tested again today and ammonia is the same but nitrite has gone up to around the 2-5 ppm mark. I would like to know where abouts in the cycle it is, has the old water, gravel etc. speeded up the cycle. How long should the cycle take from this point? I am going on holiday for a week, will it be finished by the time I get back? Thanks.
I did an ammonia and nitrite test after I added the fish and it was .25 ppm ammonia and .25 ppm nitrite. I tested again today and ammonia is the same but nitrite has gone up to around the 2-5 ppm mark. I would like to know where abouts in the cycle it is, has the old water, gravel etc. speeded up the cycle. How long should the cycle take from this point? I am going on holiday for a week, will it be finished by the time I get back? Thanks.