Where Have My Cherry Shrimp Gone?


New Member
Jun 5, 2013
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I had 6 cherry shrimp in my tank and this morning I have only seen 2. I am now worried they have been eaten. The possible suspects are a dwarf gourami, a german ram or a bristlenose catfish (about an inch in size). Anyone know if these fish would eat my shrimp. None of my fish pay much attention to the shrimp which makes me think they wouldn't have eaten them.

I haven't found any half eaten shrimp, so whatever has eaten them has eaten them whole.

I'm hoping they ate hiding, but that's unusual as they are usually out and about all the time.
The BN would only eat a shrimp if it found it already dead of dying, they wont actively hunt down a shrimp. But the gourami and ram would happily eat a cherry shrimp. I have even watched sparkling gouramis tear cherry shrimp to bits in order to eat them, and sparkling gouramis are a lot smaller than  dwarf gourami.
Your Gourami probably had a snack.
Then again, I have 12 cherries and only see 6-7 out at the same time..
Either the gourmani or the ram probably have snacked on your shrimp.  There is also the possibility that the other shrimp have been harassed which made them decide to hide and they will most likely stay hidden and not come out for your viewing pleasure with the predators in the tank.
Have a look in your filter too, I have shrimp hiding in there all the time!

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