Where Do You Vote For The Totm?


Fish Connoisseur
Mar 2, 2009
Reaction score
Someone give me the link please I cant find it!

Thank you
Here you go Lesley :)


Not sure whats actually happening with it though, everone seems to be nominating their own tanks, but according to the rules, you need two people to nominate a tank (and I assume that doesnt include yourself?) so far, think there is only one with two nominations, any chance a Mod can clarify what is going on with this comp?
Cheers Mags, I read through all those earlier, but there is no actual section where you vote, but according to the rules voting was suppose to start on 14th?
Not sure whats actually happening with it though, everone seems to be nominating their own tanks, but according to the rules, you need two people to nominate a tank (and I assume that doesnt include yourself?) so far, think there is only one with two nominations, any chance a Mod can clarify what is going on with this comp?

'1) You may enter the competition by two different methods, self entry and by nomination.

2) Self entry submissions must be your own tank. Entering a tank belonging to someone else is not permitted.

3) You may nominate another TFF member's tank for entry. Please seek their permission first, as nominations will not be accepted unless the nominee's agreement can be verified. Nomination of a tank belonging to a non-member is not permitted.

Personally I think nomination only could be better in future.
As Ooh Feeshy has kindly pointed out, TOTM can be entered by nomination or by entering your own tank. You are mixing up the TOTM rules with the POTM rules, Minx.

The mods are currently finalising discussions regarding slight tweaks to the rules, and then the November comp will open for entries.

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