Where Do I Put The Check Valve?


Fish Fanatic
Jan 2, 2007
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Hi, I am just about to set up my Nutrafin Co2 kit and I have been told to use a check valve to stop the mixture from going into the tank by accident. Where should I put the check valve? Can I directly attach it to the canister and then attach the airline tubing to that?

Thanks Jakester
A check valve will not work. The best way to stop the mix getting into the tank is to add a bubble counter or a air tight bottle to the line so that the mix has somewhere to go besides your tank. As long as you add the right amounts of sugar, co2 and water it shouldn't overflow anyway. :)
The check valve is to stop water from your tank comming the opposite way and syphoning out/causing leaks. Place it between the bubble counter and the diffuser (outside the tank) :)

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