Where Do I Get Ammonia For Fishless Cycling?


Aug 6, 2006
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Guildford, Surrey, UK
I went into town today to start picking up bits for my new tank and I couldn't find any ammonia anywhere, the only place I found it was in Robert Dyas and that didn't have an ingredients list so I decided not to risk it.

So what I want to know is 'where do you get yours?' and what brand do you buy it under.

I also got some dodgy looks asking for it, my B/f tells me this is because it may well be an ingredient used in bomb making.... hmmmn, nicely timed as usual Helen!
Most grocery stores sell ammonia as a cleaning fluid. You'll want to carefully investigate the label to make sure that it contains only ammonia and nothing else; it was good of you to not buy the one you were uncertain enough. I just used the generic store brand; worked like a charm.
I think I read on here somewhere that 'Boots' stock ammonia ?? In which case I would expect most chemists/pharmacies do ??
Sainsburys Homebase sell it, it's what I used..household ammonia in a white bottle with blue writing. Think it was around £1.75
I think I read on here somewhere that 'Boots' stock ammonia ?? In which case I would expect most chemists/pharmacies do ??
I read the same thing so tried Boots, they looked at me very oddly and suggested I try Wilkinson's (No luck) or somewhere else that sells cleaning products, but as I say even when I found it I wasn't sure it was any good because it didn't have an ingredients list :(
i bought some yesterday in Homebase, its in their cleaning aisle with Mr Muscle etc...

and it bloody stinks too! :sick:
i bought some yesterday in Homebase, its in their cleaning aisle with Mr Muscle etc...

and it bloody stinks too! :sick:

Yup, my Dad used to have it for his printers when I was a kid and I remember it being quite a poignant smell!

Well now I know what I'm looking for I'll wander into our local town today and see what I can find. Thanks for all the help :)
boots do stock it and it looks like this....

boots do stock it and it looks like this....

Wow :D What service, you guys are great, photos and everything!

P.S My b/f wnts to know where you got the Monkey now :rolleyes:

Homebase stock it as well.....the staff just don't realise they do. ;) I totally know how you feel when you say they give you funny looks. ;) You can find it in the cleaning section and it's a blue and white bottle. :)
Hold on I'll see if I can find you a number I used to get mine? :sly:
i got some from robert dyas but it was different to your bottle. apparently if it doesnt have the ingredient list on the bottle if you shake it it shouldnt go foamy or bubbly if it does it has added surfactants & things in it which you dont want as it needs to be the 100% stuff. when i got mine from rd they didnt have it on the shelf ( i had to ask for it )where you can reach it apparently they keep it out back or really high up for safety.
as it needs to be the 100% stuff.
no, it doesnt, as long as the other ingredient is water, most of the ammonia we use for cycling is actually usually 9.5% ammonia, the rest water :p

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