Where Did They Go?


Fish Fanatic
May 12, 2006
Reaction score
Oxford/Portsmouth, UK
Got 2 tiger's a couple of days and haven't really seen them since!

I'm guessing it's either my bad eyes or the unthinkable :crazy:

Hopefully they are still sharing a tank with various tetra's (red eyes, cardinals, black neons, amazonian), 3 polka dot loaches and a black synodontis.

The red eye tetra's are probably the most aggressive of the bunch but would not have thought capable of eating 1/2inch shrimp :/

The main reason I ask is that I have 5 cherry shrimp arriving tomorrow which cost a fair bit and dont want to see them go down the pan/ throat :X

Opinions please?


Hhhmm, I would have thought that the Syno would eat them. Maybe when you get the Shrimp, put them in a breeding net/trap and see how the other fish react to the cherries?
I'd have thought the loaches would find them a tasty snack. Most fish will eat small shrimp, cherrys don't stand much of a chance as they are even smaller. My betta scoffed my cherrys in a well planted tank and he was the only fish in there in a 19 gallon tank stuffed full of plants and bog wood.

small fish! ;)

i have ghosts and cherries in a tank that is all neon and black neon tetras plus one female betta and they survive. If anything, my ghosts turned into the bullies of the tank. Another tank has ghosts and a wood shrimp with a dwarf gourami and some livebearers. i should think most non aggressive, herbivorous, or otherwise specialized species would do. Anything that can eat a whole shrimp in one gulp is probably a no-no -lol-

But, there's always hope. Most shrimp are very adept at tucking themselves away so you can't see them. and i think they're also noturnal, though with my sleep schedule mine seem to have given up on that idea :lol:
small fish! ;)

i have ghosts and cherries in a tank that is all neon and black neon tetras plus one female betta and they survive. If anything, my ghosts turned into the bullies of the tank. Another tank has ghosts and a wood shrimp with a dwarf gourami and some livebearers. i should think most non aggressive, herbivorous, or otherwise specialized species would do. Anything that can eat a whole shrimp in one gulp is probably a no-no -lol-

But, there's always hope. Most shrimp are very adept at tucking themselves away so you can't see them. and i think they're also noturnal, though with my sleep schedule mine seem to have given up on that idea :lol:

So going by my stocking would you say it is the loaches then? I have a smaller tank with a Betta and some harlequins in, would they be ok in that?


Wooo! The cherry's arrived all well and I put them into a breeding net before deciding what to do with them.

Anyway, just looked upstairs and thought, huh, how did they get out? Looked again and there was one of the tiger shrimp! Woo!

I figured it best to keep the cherrys in the net for a while longer as they are around 1/2" at the moment, how long till they get to 1" roughly?

Woo, kind of chuffed at the mo

well, i haven't ever had any loaches or a syno, so i don't really know anything about them, but i know that some loaches will happily eat a snail, so i wouldn't put eating shrimp out of the question.

Many people who own bettas have ghost shrimp with them if the tank is big enough and what i've heard is that it seems to depend on the personality of the betta. Mine have had no trouble with shrimp, but others have had their shrimp eaten, or just plain hunted down and killed. It seems to be a bit of a crapshoot where shrimp and fish are concerned, but if the tank is big enough, and there are other fish and plenty of places to hide, i imagine the betta won't even notice the shrimp.

unfortunately, nothing's guaranteed :X

best of luck, though. sorry i can't be more definate.
Shouldn't there be some sort of sticky up there ^ telling people how shy shrimp are at first, and how unbelieveably good they are at hiding?? Cause I've seen a fair few threads about it.

Glad to see you found them :)
Lol, yeah or a general guide to keeping them?

Do you think that the others are likely to survive now or should I wait for them to grow a bit?



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