Where did Happy Little Fin's appetite go?


New Member
Nov 6, 2022
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Colorado, USA
This is Happy Little Fin.
A slice on an english cucumber was added to her tank Nov. 3
The next day, Nov. 4, she ate most of the cucumber.
Her appetite was 7 small wafers and 1/4 teaspoon of freeze dried fries daily. Cucumber is an addition every other week.
Since she's eating cucumber now, I give her that daily. I offer her 1 wafer daily. Noticed today she was interested in it. However, I am not able to confirm if she ate the whole wafer because I was gone for 6 hours.
Any ideas?


Clown Loach in a 20 gallon tank, canister filter bio set up with carbon. Ph 7.9, all levels in range.
We were feeding her regular bottom feeder wafers morning and evening. A 1/4 teaspoon bug bites middle of day.
Canister Filter got clogged, went to do a regular water change and the gravel bed was covered in uneaten food.
Cleaned out the canister filter, gravel bed. Happy Little Fin hasn't returned to her regular appetite since October 17, 2022.
I contacted Seachem, someone recommended Stress Guard or Paraguard.
Her waste matter is the same color, with a very small amount of clear. I began treating her with Paraguard.
I contacted Seachem, makers of Paraguard and chatted with one of their tech's last week as a follow up. Seachem tech thinks a change in appetite as being normal.
I am not quite convinced.
Her appetite is slowly returning. This is the 4th cucumber slice I've offered her, she finally ate most of it.
I found a fish vet, just need to finish a questionare I was emailed.
In the mean time, how long shall I use Paraguard? Never experienced sickness in a Clown Loach before.
Any ideas?
Thank you in advanced!


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She's a very social creature, the fish equivalent of a herd animal. You have to expect changes in behaviour if she's alone. But for a fish that will slowly but steadily grow as she will (12-16 inches), taking on a group is a serious space commitment. She sort of needs more clown loaches, but when she does start eating again, she will outgrow your set up in very little time, relative to her lifespan.
2 small feedings daily with a day off per week would be a good feeding schedule. I suspect you are overfeeding her.
I hate to be such a bearer of complicated news, because you really care about that fish. She's lucky with her human, but her tank is a problem.
Hi and welcome to TFF... :hi:
I wouldn't be worried about her. She could just be satiated for the moment.
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She's a very social creature, the fish equivalent of a herd animal. You have to expect changes in behaviour if she's alone. But for a fish that will slowly but steadily grow as she will (12-16 inches), taking on a group is a serious space commitment. She sort of needs more clown loaches, but when she does start eating again, she will outgrow your set up in very little time, relative to her lifespan.
2 small feedings daily with a day off per week would be a good feeding schedule. I suspect you are overfeeding her.
I hate to be such a bearer of complicated news, because you really care about that fish. She's lucky with her human, but her tank is a problem.
Understand your statement.
Happy Little Fin was with two other clown loaches, pearl gouarmi, glass cats.
The newer clown loaches were unusually aggresive, attacking everybody. They ripped up our gouarmi, chasing the cats. Those newer clown loaches were removed. I isolated those last 2 loaches, they went after themselves, never seen such aggression. The glass cats and gourami perished from their wounds, all were over 7 years of age.
Happy Little Fin has grown a near 4 inches since her tank mates passed.
Past year, she's eating and growing at a high rate.
Looking for new batch of clown loaches has been hard, supply issue says local fish suppliers. Plus the new prices has a sticker shock on me.
She out grew her drift wood, castle. Recently got a new hut for her.
I am aware the 20 gallon will be too small soon. A 55 gallon is on stand by.
The feeding pattern we had her own was an increase from spring, she happliy gobbled down the previous amount giving.
I am considering mail ordering clown loaches. I've never ordered fish through the mail before.
I don't think you were a bearer, I get it. Been in the fish store business for 5 some years, familiar with issues of fish keeping.
Any more input?

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