Where can you get CPD, EDD and Sawbwa barb in Perth?


May 9, 2023
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Perth, Australia
For the Lake Inle biotope, the livestock will be a large group of celestial pearl danios and emerald dwarf danios and a medium sized group of Sawbwa barbs (Asian rummynose). Where can you get one of them in Perth?
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Pet Magic in Cannington had celestial danios about 2 weeks ago. They were tiny (10mm) and cost $35.00ea.

Most pet shops in Perth get their fish from the following two suppliers. Some shops also get their own fish in from overseas (Vebas, Aquotix, Living Pictures) and they might be able to take your details and call you when some come in. Bookmark the links below and check them each week. If the fish appear on the supplier's lists, ask your local pet shop to order them in for you.

Pet Magic in Cannington had celestial danios about 2 weeks ago. They were tiny (10mm) and cost $35.00ea.

Most pet shops in Perth get their fish from the following two suppliers. Some shops also get their own fish in from overseas (Vebas, Aquotix, Living Pictures) and they might be able to take your details and call you when some come in. Bookmark the links below and check them each week. If the fish appear on the supplier's lists, ask your local pet shop to order them in for you.

Okay. I have messaged Aquotix via their website to see that they have the endemic emerald dwarf danio.

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