Where Can I Get Sea Monkeys From?


New Member
Feb 25, 2009
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hey i have triops but i am wondering if i should get seamonkeys but i wont put them in the same tank no way lol
any wayz i dont have a clue where to get sea monkeys from who how to looka after them or nuffing so if u know where i can get them from plz contact me that would be great thanks

:good: paget492 :good:
When i was about 10, i got mine from argos :)
In one of those funky kits. Alternatively, buy a live bag of brine shrimp from your LFS! Same thing! :D
hey :rolleyes:
thanks guys but i rather have triops and i aready have the eggs and food just i threw the contaainer away b4 and i need a new one but i really really want a tank just like my old one
I used to have some too, small little tank you get and they slowly grow

Looking back at the time they seemed great but now their pointless haha

Edit : You can buy from toy stores or internet
Pet stores sell live brine shrimp (sea monkeys) all you would have to do is set up a tank to fit there living needs. Basically just look up how to care for brine shrimp.

Official Sea Monkey site- http://www.sea-monkeys.com/
Woolworths used to see these in all sorts of different types of packs for kids. I imagine Argos do them too.

You can, like other people have suggested - go to your pet store and ask for "brine shrimp" they are the same thing. But if you just want them as a novelty pet then I would just buy the actual seamonkey start up kit as there will be full instructions on what to do in there. Check ebay also.
I wouldent bother with the sea-money kits. They are teeny-tiny and the instructions are based around tricking kids into thinking brine shrimp are magic :lol: .

They can be fun, but for someone who is actually interested in Artemia spp. life cycle, I would say just buy a £4 plastic tank (or even cup the top off a 2l bottle), some <£1 sea salt from the supermarket and feed them bakers yeast or spirulina powder (costs £1 from ebay).

You will need eggs from ebay (again, £1) or your LFS, be sure to add only a small sprinkle.

Keep it under a desk lamp 1 hours a day to allow algae to grow (helps cleaning the water and feeds the brine shrimp.

You can even buy different species of Artemia cysts from some websites.
hey can any one tell me what should i do with the brown stuff wchich come with triop eggs what should i do with it as its starting to bug me thanks
:good: paget492 :good:

This takes me way back to (even) the early 1960's.... when All Harvey Comic books (Sad Sack... Little Lotta.... Casper the friendly Ghost..... Archie...... Little Dot.. Ritchie rich.... Donald Duck... Scrooge.... etc. etc).. All advertised on their back page " sea monkeys for sale"...... & this picture they displayed to advertise their "Sea Monkeys", was real life like community of 3" creatures like a community of terrestial beings which everyone had to keep to be a cool teenager......... Disappointment when you order to find out they are in fact .... Only Brine shrimp... Can anyone else remember those???

Can anyone also add to my list of Harvey comic books, which were in print at the time.... Show your age!. :lol:

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