Where can i find (surprisingly) pure ammonia


New Member
Oct 20, 2003
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Can i find those surprisingly pure ammonia at wal-mart and grocery store?
If this fishless cycle is faster and easier and also lest expensive than i would like to try it. By the way, is this method the same if you use fish to cycle your tank too?

Thanks a lot.

In another post I've read today someone mentions places you can get pure ammonia - this is in the UK though. Check out the post here.

Fishless cycling is certainly cheaper if it means your first batch of fish don't die on you and you have to replace them all! It's not necessarily faster, but while you're waiting for your tank to cycle there are plenty of things you can do that don't need fish, like planning the layout of the plants and rocks, and doing loads of research to decide which fish you want to add :thumbs: .

If you use fish to cycle your tank you don't need to add extra ammonia, as the waste they produce will be introducing ammonia to the tank on its own. However, as I'm sure you know, the downside of this is that the fish may suffer from ammonia poisoning, which may kill them, or at least weaken their immune system so you never get to see them in all their glory :-(

Hope this helps!
I had loads of trouble finding some, in the end I found it in an old fashioned hardware shop. Just make sure its un perfumed.

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