I recently took some green spotted puffers back to my lfs because I did not realize that they needed marine salt, ro water, and that they would eventually be saltwater fish. I thought that the salt they needed was aquarium salt, and the person helping me told me the same....anyway, they weren't doing great and I took them back. I fell in love with these fish! I am wondering if I would need RO water for the dwarf puffers? And are they completely, absolutely freshwater? I would really love some puffers but don't have the money or skill yet for a brackish or marine tank. Where do I find the freshwater dwarf puffers? They don't have them at any of the stores on here and they seem hard to find online. I want to completely cycle my tank first so I would like to get some in about a month probably. Thanks! I do realize that they only like live and frozen foods, and are sensitive to any ammonia/nitrite/nitrate levels above 0.
I recently took some green spotted puffers back to my lfs because I did not realize that they needed marine salt, ro water, and that they would eventually be saltwater fish. I thought that the salt they needed was aquarium salt, and the person helping me told me the same....anyway, they weren't doing great and I took them back. I fell in love with these fish! I am wondering if I would need RO water for the dwarf puffers? And are they completely, absolutely freshwater? I would really love some puffers but don't have the money or skill yet for a brackish or marine tank. Where do I find the freshwater dwarf puffers? They don't have them at any of the stores on here and they seem hard to find online. I want to completely cycle my tank first so I would like to get some in about a month probably. Thanks! I do realize that they only like live and frozen foods, and are sensitive to any ammonia/nitrite/nitrate levels above 0.