Where Can I Find Dwarf Puffer Fish?


Fish Fanatic
Jul 7, 2010
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I recently took some green spotted puffers back to my lfs because I did not realize that they needed marine salt, ro water, and that they would eventually be saltwater fish. I thought that the salt they needed was aquarium salt, and the person helping me told me the same....anyway, they weren't doing great and I took them back. I fell in love with these fish! I am wondering if I would need RO water for the dwarf puffers? And are they completely, absolutely freshwater? I would really love some puffers but don't have the money or skill yet for a brackish or marine tank. Where do I find the freshwater dwarf puffers? They don't have them at any of the stores on here and they seem hard to find online. I want to completely cycle my tank first so I would like to get some in about a month probably. Thanks! I do realize that they only like live and frozen foods, and are sensitive to any ammonia/nitrite/nitrate levels above 0.
irrubesco and salivator forms of Red Eye Puffers are at my wonderful LFS, Aquarjardin ;)
Try looking for the South American Pufferfish/Amazon Puffers. Much better than Dwarfs IMHO
if you are in the uk, i got 2 dwarf puffers from ebay think they have some on now

also check out www.trimar.co.uk for south american puffers colomessus something or other

edited yes ebay have them heres the link

if you are in the uk, i got 2 dwarf puffers from ebay think they have some on now

also check out www.trimar.co.uk for south american puffers colomessus something or other

edited yes ebay have them heres the link


I've got three dwarf puffers from that seller :fun: they are doing wonderfully and do not require any salt whatsoever in their tank they are also very adaptable to ph and can live in soft or hard, mine live at ph 7.8, but they cannot tolerate ammonia or nitrites, the tank should ideally be overfiltered due to their messy eating habits and have 50% water changes weekly, they appealed to me because of their small size and reaching a maximum of one inch they don't need large tanks, my 3 live happily in a heavily planted 60l fed on frozen and live bloodworm, live mosquito larvae and small snails, it's important the tank is heavily planted and has caves and places to hide as they are aggressive to one another most of the time, I'm thinking I may have 3 males :X a great website on this species is: http://dwarfpuffers.com/
if you are in the uk, i got 2 dwarf puffers from ebay think they have some on now

also check out www.trimar.co.uk for south american puffers colomessus something or other

edited yes ebay have them heres the link


I've got three dwarf puffers from that seller :fun: they are doing wonderfully and do not require any salt whatsoever in their tank they are also very adaptable to ph and can live in soft or hard, mine live at ph 7.8, but they cannot tolerate ammonia or nitrites, the tank should ideally be overfiltered due to their messy eating habits and have 50% water changes weekly, they appealed to me because of their small size and reaching a maximum of one inch they don't need large tanks, my 3 live happily in a heavily planted 60l fed on frozen and live bloodworm, live mosquito larvae and small snails, it's important the tank is heavily planted and has caves and places to hide as they are aggressive to one another most of the time, I'm thinking I may have 3 males :X a great website on this species is: http://dwarfpuffers.com/
Oh dear, you got ripped off! -_-
Most LFS sell Dwarf Puffers for £1.50 each
if you are in the uk, i got 2 dwarf puffers from ebay think they have some on now

also check out www.trimar.co.uk for south american puffers colomessus something or other

edited yes ebay have them heres the link


I've got three dwarf puffers from that seller :fun: they are doing wonderfully and do not require any salt whatsoever in their tank they are also very adaptable to ph and can live in soft or hard, mine live at ph 7.8, but they cannot tolerate ammonia or nitrites, the tank should ideally be overfiltered due to their messy eating habits and have 50% water changes weekly, they appealed to me because of their small size and reaching a maximum of one inch they don't need large tanks, my 3 live happily in a heavily planted 60l fed on frozen and live bloodworm, live mosquito larvae and small snails, it's important the tank is heavily planted and has caves and places to hide as they are aggressive to one another most of the time, I'm thinking I may have 3 males :X a great website on this species is: http://dwarfpuffers.com/
Oh dear, you got ripped off! -_-
Most LFS sell Dwarf Puffers for £1.50 each

Yes perhaps they do and I know I paid a high price but nowhere near me are selling dwarf puffers at present, I have tried for months! so it's the price I have to pay for these little cuties and I don't regret it one bit!
if you are in the uk, i got 2 dwarf puffers from ebay think they have some on now

also check out www.trimar.co.uk for south american puffers colomessus something or other

edited yes ebay have them heres the link


I've got three dwarf puffers from that seller :fun: they are doing wonderfully and do not require any salt whatsoever in their tank they are also very adaptable to ph and can live in soft or hard, mine live at ph 7.8, but they cannot tolerate ammonia or nitrites, the tank should ideally be overfiltered due to their messy eating habits and have 50% water changes weekly, they appealed to me because of their small size and reaching a maximum of one inch they don't need large tanks, my 3 live happily in a heavily planted 60l fed on frozen and live bloodworm, live mosquito larvae and small snails, it's important the tank is heavily planted and has caves and places to hide as they are aggressive to one another most of the time, I'm thinking I may have 3 males :X a great website on this species is: http://dwarfpuffers.com/
Oh dear, you got ripped off! -_-
Most LFS sell Dwarf Puffers for £1.50 each

Yes perhaps they do and I know I paid a high price but nowhere near me are selling dwarf puffers at present, I have tried for months! so it's the price I have to pay for these little cuties and I don't regret it one bit!
Ok :look:
I believe that the dwarf malabar, pea, etc. puffers are the best for my tank and situation. No, I don't live in the U.K., I live in the U.S. I noticed that you guys seem to have more available there. They are just not popular here the stores say, and it is not economical to house them due to their aggression they said. I may have found one place that will order them for me, and I found 2 online stores that carry them. Don't feel bad, here they cost almost $8 a piece! I am willing to pay that. I am glad to know that about the water conditions, because I was afraid I would have to buy ro water all the time. My water here is really hard and ph is 8.2. I am cycling my tank now (fishless) so I won't have an issue with ammonia and nitrites/nitrates. I have read conflicting information on how many can be kept together. One site says they are a schooling fish and should be kept in large groups, which is contrary to everything else I read. I have a 20 gallon long and a 10 gallon that I can put them in I want to get 5 or 6 so I end up with some of the both sex hopefully. We have an auction coming up here and I plan to buy tons of plants, rocks, and I also use little terra cotta plant pots in the tanks. Are you using sand or gravel substrate? Says to use sand but I am not crazy about that.

Thanks, Sarah
Hi Sarah I am using clay cat litter (sophisticat brand) mixed with sand and peat in my puffer tank to keep the plants happy but gravel is ok provided it isn't the sharp type with pointy edges.

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