Where can i buy


Fish Crazy
Feb 19, 2005
Reaction score
Chelmsford, Essex, UK
Hi all,

Hope you can help, I have a new planted setup which will be ready in a few weeks and after cycling the tank i wish to buy a male Betta along with some Kuhli Loaches and Harlequin Rasboras

I saw a link to a great webb site with someone that breads them properly (i think in staforshire) but i cant find the link now, does anyone have it?

I know that they were nearly sold out but it will be a couple of months before i am up and running. Also can you keep and male and female together with out them breeding, (no dont worry i dont intend on that reading some rather dodgy posts)

Can anyone give me any advice on looking after them other than what i read in books

Thanks for your help on this beautiful fish

Bettaman at KG Bettas is the place to look and although he's virtually sold out, he is looking at getting some more stock in :)

In answer to your question of keeping a male and female together, that's a no I'm afraid. Males need to be housed alone but females can be kept in community groups but no less than 4 is best.

If you look in the FAQ section you will find some great advice and links to keeping bettas happy :D
Thanks for the advice and the link guys and girls and BettaMomma no thats not my tank but i do inspire it to look that way one day with alot of work

nice set up but i would have gone for a bigger heater for the 33 inch tank 25 watts is a bit low.... :rolleyes:

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