Where Can I Buy Filter Media For My Aqua One?


Official Forum Weirdo Detective
Jul 14, 2007
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Sorry to keep asking questions, I can't buy them on ebay or directly from aqua one - does anyone know an online UK supplier?
Just buy big sheets of pond sponge/filter floss and cut them to size. They will last for many many changes


If you also want bio balls/ceramic (although they are not really that necessary) then buy the cheapest you can find, rinse and put in baskets.

I have just selected the first one that I found so you will probs find cheaper if you search, even so you will pay a fraction of the price of buying the branded filter media. You will also find that you may have much more than you will need and may wish to sell on the leftovers rather than store them.

Just search in Home anf Garden-Pets Supplies-Fish

Then in the search this category type in the following to find the different items:

Personally if my filter hadn't already come with bioballs and ceramic media I would've just used sponge all the way up.

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Thank you! I've never seen filter foam that shape before, it's like soundproofing stuff you get in studios!
You really don't want to go spending your hard earned on Aquaone's media. It is just over priced slices of ordinary foam. You don't need the carbon trays unless you need to expel old medications or tannins from bogwood etc.

Like Supercoley1 mentioned, the pond dept. of the LFS is your cheapest source. I would, however, try to find flat foam rather than the eggboxing as you are limited to space under the spraybar. Even then, once you cut it up to fit in the chambers then the foam should not need replacing for literally years. Also from the pond dept. you can get a big bag of white wool media for first stage mechanical filtration (£2.99) which will last for ages. This can be cut to size then divided to the right thickness to fit under the spray bar and is cheap enough to replace at water change time.
One cheap tip is that Wilkinsons (Wilko) sell filter floss for 79p a pack, which I find in my EX700 is enough for 3 or 4 refills.


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