Where are your fishtank(s)?

In what room of your house do you keep your fishtank(s)?

  • Living/Sitting Room

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Dining Room

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Kitchen

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Bedroom

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Basement

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Rec/Play Room

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

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  • Total voters


Addicted and in Therapy
Jul 13, 2003
Reaction score
Wichita, KS
I haven't seen anyone ask this before (though it probably has - sorry if so), but I'm curious to find out where the majority of you keep your tanks. I keep mine in the bedroom since my mom wouldn't have it any other way! :p

If you have multiple tanks - pick the room with the most tanks in it, or the room with the largest tank. Your choice! :)
Living room.

I have my tanks set up so I can watch them while I'm sitting here in my lazyboy. That way I can watch TV, play on the PC and watch my fish all at once. The primo bachelor pad. :D :)
Most of them are in my living room. Couple more in my bedroom, where my computer is. I can see my 45 gallon in my living room from in here, too. :)
ive got my 3 tanks in my bedroom......1 on the left of my telly...one on the right....and 1 at the bottom of my bed

just waitin til payday n im gonna get my 400l tank for the dinin room

oh...and im thinkin of gettin 1 for the top of the stairs

proper dose of multiple tank syndrome :lol:

Tek :fish
Teknikz: cool avatar. Did you animate it yourself?

Juliethegr8t: My turtles are in the living room and my fish are in the kitchen.

It would probably save time in the end if I just put sealant round the entire living room, flooded it and turned the downstairs bathroom into a sump.
Alien Anna said:
It would probably save time in the end if I just put sealant round the entire living room, flooded it and turned the downstairs bathroom into a sump.
Now that's thinking big. :D I like it!
in the living room, close to the fireplace. don't worry...i'll be moving it before the start of fall so as not to boil my little buddies!
I have a planted 35 gallon in my bedroom. There are 10 tiger barbs and three clown plecos currently living there.

I'll soon have a 75 gallon going in my livingroom(I went with livingroom for the poll).
my 30 tank is in the living room, and the betta bowl is sitting on the dining room table. the new yet-to-be-setup tank will most likely go into the computer room.. in an APT there is not much room here.
i have got 2 tanks and they r in my bedroom my mom want let me put them in the living room and i rreally don't want them in there because i payed for them and i weant them in my room.
:fish: Mine is in the living room. I want it where every-flippin-body that comes through has to COMPLIMENT ME on how FANTASTIC and AWESOME my fish truly are. :drink:
I have a fish house (17 tanks) away from my house where I escape when the girlfriend wants me to undertake various DIY jobs. :sly: :sly:

I also have 1 at home for the little girl (3 yrs old) who loves to watch them as she falls asleep. She also name them all which is always fun as she has strange little conversations with them :wub: :*) :wub:
I have all my tanks in my room. Thats because my mum doesn't exactly like aqauriums however when I move out I intend to get a few more 4ft ers. I have only one of them with a few more 10g and a few breeding ones ;)

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