Where are they?


New Member
Sep 12, 2003
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Hi everyone, I'm a newbie to the acquarium world, since purchasing a 10 gal tank with some guppies and platties for my 85 yr old mother to enjoy. We are both getting a kick out of watching these fish and then we had a population explosion. So. . . now I set up another 10 gal tank and separated the platties into their own tank. I think we must have over 100 babies in the guppy tank. Now for the problem, I bought 2 plecostamus (sp?) and put one in each tank. The tanks have covers but both of the plecos(is this what people are referring to) have disappeared - I mean they are gone, no trace of them at all. Is it possible they died and the other fish ate them in 1 day? Thanks for any help as I am baffled.
even if the other fish ate them they wouldn't eat them all the way.Try sticking your hand in and moving stuff in the water.My fish died and i found him logged under a rock.
They jumped out, they're excellent jumpers. I believe they jumped out... lol... Or they're hiding but I still believe they jumped out... Look at any where from 6 feet away from the aquarium.. Check everything even if it's a sock... lol :) or check on the side of the tank or anywhere :p..
I cleaned out the entire acquarium, I moved rocks & plants & went through the gravel, I moved furniture, heck, I even went upstairs and looked through my entire sock drawer - no plecos. I have heard of a cat burglar, has anyone ever heard of a pleco burglar. I am convinced that is the only possible answer. Remember two plecos disappeared from 2 different tanks and both tanks are covered. :/
OH don't wrry about ti for a few day's and just take a small look out for them every once in a while cause my clown pleco is the greatest at hiding, even after i moved everything out of the tank i still could not find him and thought my large catfish ate him but then 6 hours l8r there he was, and yet he still gow's missing everyonce in a while..

I couldnt find my Pleco for days on end and then found him hiding on the backside of the inlet tube to my Biowheel filter.

Also I transported one of my Plecos once from one tank to another about 3 feet from each other and he jumped out mid way, I searched and searched around the furniture and couldnt find him, the next day he was in the original tank.

I wouldnt worry about it too much, they are very good at hiding

Thanks for your support but it has now been days since I have seen either one of them. The one tank is heavily planted but they weren't itty bitty fish! Their names were Hoover and Eureka after the vacuum cleaners, and I sure wish one or the other of them would show up. :no:
:crazy: ARe you RELATED to MY Mom OR SomeTHING :crazy:

My mom names my plecos the same names, I buy a fish or she buys one she always have to give them names... Heck for all I care i'll call them by what they are.. :hyper:
wow wat a coincidence. well bak to the prob mayber the plec planned a secret mission to escape.lol :p maybe they dug into the gravel?i heard fish doing that.

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