Where Are My Fish Going!


Fish Addict
Jan 16, 2009
Reaction score
Sydney, Australia
Hi all,
Was advised to move my thread here to get more opinions due to higher traffic in here, thread was originaly created in the emergncy section. Below is my original post, and this is the link to the original thread:

If anyone could shed some light on whats going on, id be very greatful.

Hi everyone,
ill give you some background first.
4 Foot Tank - 340L (90G (US))
Stocking in sig - has however changed (will explain below)
Tank has a 4000L pump that pumps water from the sump to the tank. Tank has the corner wierd and drilled and piped so has a working sump.
Tank was upgraded from my 2 foot to this beautiful 4 foot tank.

Reasonably heavily planted. Not a jungle, but its got alot of plants
What has been happening lately is that im losing fish. They just seem to disappear from the face of the ... tank?
Tank has a tight fitting lid, with a hood also. There is a "hairbrush" to keep fish out of the overflow to the sump so i doubt they are there (only place im unable to check clearly, till i take the hood off (heavy to lift on my own) so will need to ask brother for some help soon )

I have lost a bunch of adult guppies (2inch +), which i didnt really notice to much untill i realised ive got about 5-10 left out of like 20 originally. I have lost a krib who randomly disappeared, male died shortly after (They were a pair, he must have been very upset?) who were between 6-8cm roughly. 1 silver angel fish (8cm without fins roughly), shortly after 1 black/zebra ange fish (8cm without fins roughly). And 2 sword tails (2-3inches roughly). 9 danios also gone (2inch or so). Fish were not lost in this order, just my dodgy memory lol.

Took apart my entire filter looking for them, the entire tank was turned over. Ive checked around the tank. No cats/dogs or children...

So where could they be? Any ideas what i can do to prevent this happening over and over?

P.S Sorry for a lengthy post, but im about ready to give up my hobby because of this.

Sounds like to me you got some compatibility issues in your tank. For some reason, your fish are becoming stressed out and dieing. When a fish dies within a tank, it is not uncommon for that died fish to be eaten by his tank mates. Which would explain why you cannot find any of the lost fish.

I understand that they can be eaten FHM. But i dont see how my angel, who is 8cm + fins be eaten within 12 hours..? By the fish in there? Id be quite suprised to be honest.

There is no agression between any species in the tank...

What are your water stats? Ammonia, Nitrite and Nitrate?

Yes, it is possible in 12 hours. They could of done it in a couple of hours. Plus, the fish will rot and decay rather fast and becomes very brittle and falls apart to the touch. Very easy to not see when this happens, especially when other fish are nipping at it.

Hmm, guess thats the onyl thing that could have happened i guess... But all of them? :S

Ammonia = 0
Nitrite = 0
Nitrate = 10 (Out of tap)
PH = 7.4

Wilder asked a bunch of questions, which i had to answer NO to. He was stumped as to what it could be so said to post it here for more opinions.

What could they have all died from? And how do i stop it? Quite upsetting to lose all my fish over something i dont even know how to stop.

i had read somewhere about insects staking out your tank and eating the fish...but that sounds a little farfetched, especially considering the angelfish...

i'm interested in what this could be, as my better half's 10g tank has this problem too...where fish just dissappear within hours and we can never find them afterwards :blink:
i've seen my cichlids make quick work of a similar sized fish that died of stress, but in your tank and my fiancee's tank, stocked with peaceful fish?

good luck finding a solution!
Yeah, they seem to get taken away by aliens lol. No signs, no evidence. Very strange, annoying, and quite upsetting.

I was going to take down the tank, but the BN spawned so i didnt want to ruin it for the bristlenoses.

I'm sure I've heard on just one pleco "cleaning" a dead fish out of a tank in quite a short space of time. So I'd imagine four will be able to make short work of any deceased fishies!
Yes they could have been eaten in that time- have you checked the remaining fish for disease?
Guess thats the only thing that could have happened im assuming then...

Have checked, and keeping a close eye on them. All questions asked by Wilder in the thread from emergency were returned as a NO, if you take a read of the thread, you will see what was asked of me, and what my answers are.

Have been keeping a closer eye however. But still i cant see no disease signs...


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