Where Are My Corydoras?


Fish Fanatic
Aug 25, 2006
Reaction score
Swansea, South Wales
I had 4 Corydoras about a year ago - i found one dead a few months ago but still could only account for 2. i added 3 more about three months ago to make 5 but now i can only account for 3? i siphon the substrate once a week 50% and i provide caves for them to hide as they never seem to venture out other than feeding time. i never find any dead in the tank and i try as best i can to ensure they are not in the siphoned water - has anyone else had experiences like this. i can only assume that they died and just disintergrated in the tank. the only other fish i have are two dwarf gourami, 2 pakistani loaches, 4 cardinal tetra - 2 rummy nose (1 died and the other one is missing)
Heavily planted tank.
Ive had 1 go missing literally in the first night in the tank, dispite a complete tank strip down no trace of it was ever seen again...Wierd, it happens :) if its over a peroid of time like in your case then it very well could of been eaten/decomposed without you realise, or they could just be hiding ;)
or decomposing in your sand and you say heavy planted so it may jusy be hiding or dead in a hiding place

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