When your broke with no silicone.....


Fish Herder
Sep 21, 2004
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I built a DIY CO2 system and didn't have the money to spend on Silicone. My dad came over and helped me so we first tried some bath tub/shower caulk he had. That lasted less than 24 hours and after 4 hours tracing the leak I sat here with a dumb look for another hour trying to figure out how to reseal the bottle cap.

Well, called my dad and he said "super glue". I was like, no that won't work, but after looking through my house it was the only thing I had. :huh:

So, I pulled the cap off put the hose in, and dumped super glue all around it. It worked. :)

Moral of the story, sometimes you can use whatever you have on hand. :) And super glue is still one great useful item. ;)
lol, great story, I'll try that next time since my silicone keeps peeling off every so often. You can also try (i've seen), to get a piece from the hardware store that screws in underneath the cap and has a pointed opening for the tube on the other. :dunno:
To be honest, I didn't expect it to work. :p But it has worked extremely well and I'm happy. :) I'm going to buy a bottle of Silicone 1 with a caulking gun this week. About $5.00 USD at Home Depot. :)
do you think err school glue the white one would work ? ( err i call it elmers glue im not sure if its called elmers glue everywhere ) because its kinda elastic like silicone but doesn'y stick too much and turns transparent after a day, :) hehe i uses a lot of this in grade school :)
Aaargh! PVA glue! My kids go through it like it's going outta fashion! I have to buy it in bulk!
:crazy: I'm really shocked that no one has mentioned this before but you do know that most of the glues that you mentioned previously disolve in your tank and release harmful chemicals tha WILL KILL YOUR FISH. The reason why people recomind type one and not type two is because of the chemicals that make it up. Similiar Crazy Glue has chemicals that well degrade over time and more quickly with exposure to water. :no:

I can understand who people might think that aquarium glue is expensive because if you go and buy it from a LFS then it like 7.99 + for a little bottle but that is actually just type one silicon. And type one silicon is dirt cheep buy it home depo or walmart or whatever place sells hardware and it's only 1.50-2.99 canadian while white glue will kill your fish you get less of it and the cheepest that it can be purchased at is .99 cents and you get less.

Sighs... can anyone else back me up on this
tanksalot said:
you mean pva glue, that stuffs evil especially if you mix it with 30 6year olds
PVA glue is water soluble, sorry to disappoint, I would love to find a cheaper alternative to aquarium sealant but I am still looking, as most glues break down over time (in water) and releases chemicals that will harm your fish. -_-
Actually, the super glue I purchase is not water solulable. The glue they have been speaking of is.

I don't use the "crazy glue" brand, it's a different one. I will have to find the bottle, but it isn't water soluable. But, like all glues and silicon it does degrade over time.
a1wonder said:
:crazy: I'm really shocked that no one has mentioned this before but you do know that most of the glues that you mentioned previously disolve in your tank and release harmful chemicals tha WILL KILL YOUR FISH. The reason why people recomind type one and not type two is because of the chemicals that make it up. Similiar Crazy Glue has chemicals that well degrade over time and more quickly with exposure to water. :no:

I can understand who people might think that aquarium glue is expensive because if you go and buy it from a LFS then it like 7.99 + for a little bottle but that is actually just type one silicon. And type one silicon is dirt cheep buy it home depo or walmart or whatever place sells hardware and it's only 1.50-2.99 canadian while white glue will kill your fish you get less of it and the cheepest that it can be purchased at is .99 cents and you get less.

Sighs... can anyone else back me up on this
Actually, you're missing the point of this thread, which is to use super glue instead of silicone for sealing an airline tube to the top of a 2L pressurized CO2 bottle cap. Once the super glue is dry, no chemicals will "dissolve" into the air. Even if water gets into contact with the super glue and tank water, the chemicals are nothing compared to the damage the yeast will do :crazy:

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