When Would It Be Safe?


May 17, 2006
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Virginia, U.S.A.
My cory fry are now 5-6 weeks old. When would it be safe to introduce them into the main tank. The tank contains: Cory, guppy, platy,swordtails and african dwarf frogs.
Oh I forgot to add the tank is a 20 gal high.
With the fish I would say at about 1", but I don't know with the frog. Maybe someone that knows about the frog will answer soon.
Thankx for the advice. I'll wait till they are a little bigger. My ADF's seem to have a taste for fry so I don't want to chance it yet as they chased the one I tried in the tank.
I don't know about adf, but the acf I had ate everything that moved. He was mean! He ate fish that were bigger than him.
I would definately wait till they are bigger if you already know the are fry munchers. :good:

By the way... I love your(sig) prayer!!!! I have said the same one many many times! :rofl:

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